Well that just happend

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Snow PoV
I just woke up and the memory of yesterday just comes flooding back
I don't cry and I don't even want to cry not in the morning anyway I get out of bed and got to the bathroom to do my hygiene routine I come out and get dressed in some blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt then put some white Air Force on and I just brush my hair because I can't be bothered to put it up and I walk downstairs to get some breakfast but I just hear shouting it's quite loud and I does give me a headache but I can't complain about it I walk in the kitchen and avani and my dad are shouting at each other
Avani: why would you say that to her
Tony: I don't know what you mean
Avani: cut the crap Tony you was out getting wasted with f*cking nick and decided to come back and question "who is that girl" well let me tell who that girl was she was your daughter and by just saying that  to her imagine how she felt
Snow: guys just please be quiet I'm getting a headache
Tony; and I haven't, I done nothing and I'm just getting screamed at
Avani; how can you talk to your daughter like that and in front of me you have some real guts doing that
Tony; oh for god sake avani just leave me and my daughter alone stop telling me what to do with her
Snow; dad I'm sorry about everything just take me back
Tony; what
Snow; just take me back
Avani; snow look at me you don't need to say sorry and you don't need to go back everything will be fine ok I don't want to loose you because of a certain person
Tony; look snow I'm just a bit hangover and I don't even remember what happened yesterday it's all just a blur
Snow; I just came to get so breakfast anyway but I'm fine now I've lost my appetite
Avani; no snow you will have some cereal so please sit down
Tony; please snow I'm sorry for what I did it was out of order
Avani; damn right it was
Tony; shut up avani
Snow; just shut up please dad you've caused enough trouble I'm going to go pack and I want to go back to the hell whole ok
And with that I walk away and go to pack my things it's quite a lot so I'm not taking a lot of things just three bag full of clothes a things
And I put them near the door I grab a coat and put it on
Snow; dad I'm ready come on
I don't even want to say bye to everyone because I know for a fact that they will try and persuade me to stay and I just can't I'm 8 I can't live a life like this it's just to much for me
I see my dad come round from the corner
Tony; I can't drive I've got a big hangover and driving will make it worse
Snow; well get avani to drive me back
Tony; no can do kiddo
Snow; well I will just get Dre to take me then
Tony; you don't have to do this you know
Snow; well I want to so come on
Tony; Dre!!
I heard footsteps come and Dre was stood there looking very tired
Dre; what
Sounds like Dre is still mad at dad
Tony; your going to have to drop snow of back to the place
Dre; what do you mean
Snow; take me back to the care home I want to go back
Don't say anything just take me
Dre just looked at me like he was still in his dream
Snow; well come on we don't have all day
Dre just walked away and came back 10 minutes later
Snow; ok now let's go
I grab my bags and walk out of the door to Dre's car he unlocks the car and I get in the back and put my bags beside me I will never forget the past few months to be fair I'm quite lucky to be adopted into fame but it was too much for me and I couldn't take it any longer we have now set off driving back I could tell my dad was upset because I seen a tear slide down his face and Dre was a bit sad but he didn't cry because he was driving obviously we was in a car and by now everyone knows what happens when I'm in a car so let's just skip the drive there
We have just arrived back and it looks the exact same when I left Dre parks up I just get out and walk up to this very  familiar house
Dre; wait snow please
I turn around

adopted by tony LopezWhere stories live. Discover now