Chapter Four

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After being kidnapped, bound, and taken away, all Fareeha knew came through her ears, hearing the various grumblings of different Junkers as she was moved into one vehicle, driven a distance, switched to another, and now on along a few more miles. Separated from her backpack, which offered her only true means of escape, she also knew that, in her blindness, she very well could also be separated from Mei, which was a strong possibility. Instructed to be silent, she figured that Mei would have been the last person to adhere to such things- and besides, better for the Junkers to separate the two than allow a team to think up any means of escape.

Sitting in the bed of a truck, she felt the wrong end of an assault rifle tapping into her shoulder whenever the truck bounced over a rock or something, only infuriating her even more; she would have hated to die to somebody stupid enough to discharge a gun due to such a shock.

Ordered into silence, and partially stubbornly forcing herself into such a silence, Fareeha simply held her head down for the majority of the truck, raising it slightly, only as the two Junkers in the truckbed with her began to speak to one another.

"'ey, Charlie," the one beside her muttered, almost giggling, "t'ey never send much o' anythin' our way! T'ink Olivah will let 's mess around with th's one, eh?"

Fareeha felt the barrel, again, as the opposite Junker replied in an old, grumbly voice, "We only answer to th' master. Don't let yer young mind get the bettah of you; even now, she could easily break free 'n cripple ya."

The young one turned to her, frighteningly, as Fareeha grinned slightly, the older Junker laughing aloud, "See? Told ya."

As if feeling the need to assert his authority, the younger one shakenly jammed the gun into Fareeha's arm, his voice almost squeaking, "D-D-Don't try anythin' funny, ya hear?!"

Fareeha lifted her head, her voice finally breaking through, "No offense, but I feel safer with you holding the gun."

As though able to feel the old man grinning, Fareeha listened hopefully, though the older man only replied, "I got mah own gun, thank you. I'll keep it trained on 'im, I s'pose. Master Olivah has been very clear- any new lifeforms are t' be brought in alive. He wants ta know why yer on our turf 'n all that rukus."

Fareeha's head remained up, but in a split second, she spun it toward her nearest captor, jumping a bit as she screamed, "BOO!"

He instantly fell backward into the bed of the truck, scrambling for his gun as Fareeha began chuckling under her breath, grinning widely, interrupted only by the older voice, "If ya could see 'im, you wouldn't be teasin' 'im."

Taken aback, Fareeha quieted herself amidst the rumbling of the ground beneath the truck. The bouncing felt more industrial and rhythmic, almost as if they were driving over speed bumps or something similar. She began hearing voices around her, her head lowering as she figured they'd entered a Junker settlement of some sort, headed by this 'Oliver' guy. She closed her eyes under the blindfold, trying her best to hear for any telltale sounds, though it was thwarted by a loudspeaker blaring across the area.

"Welcome, Member of Overwatch," came a very monotonous voice, "Please prepare for the treatment we've come to expect of those who encroach upon our territ'ry."

"Ovuhwatch, eh?" came the old man again, beginning to chuckle to himself, "Olivah's gonna have a time runnin' you down. Ha ha!"

Fareeha twisted her lips, angrily, as the truck moved into a garage of some sort, evidenced by the sudden lack of heat and sunlight through the cloth bandana covering her face. As the truck came to a stop, she slowly spun her head around, trying to catch something within earshot, though in a sudden instant, a massive blast met her chest, knocking her clear off the truck, falling with a thud onto the ground, leaving her gasping for air.

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