Chapter Thirteen

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Pharah eyed the lead truck of the convoy, knowing it would be impossible to jump along the series of vehicles from back to front. She hurriedly checked her wrist, her suit about to expel the last of its energy. She groaned under her breath, slipping her thumb across her index finger, her rocket pack suddenly launching her into the air, over toward the single truck that led the others, along with its long trailer.

She landed with a massive crash, kneeling on the top of the eighteen-wheeler to regain her balance, which was difficult at the speed she was going. Suddenly, her head shot up as a Junker whipped his body up out of the truck's windows, swinging a gun around. He fired, Pharah just barely falling to the side before instinctively pulling her hand up, firing a concussion blast.

The Junker fall back, slung over either side of the window, but the blast forced the truck all over the place, and it swung back in forth as the driver desperately attempted to remain in control. Pharah quickly fell from the top of its trailer, hanging on the edge just before it ended up out of reach. She grunted as she held herself up, just noticing a car slowly pulling in close to the trailer to reach her.

She slid her thumb once more, her rockets expelling the last of their energy as she flew up in a circle, still holding on to the trailer, now on her back. She jumped to her feet, quickly rushing near the front of the truck, slamming a fist into the sheet metal before peeking in.

Her eyes couldn't adjust fast enough, so she pulled herself out, reaching up to her ear, "Angela, how accurate can we get that GPS on her? It'll take me forever to-"

Suddenly, a burst of an explosion suddenly blew the air, a small plume of smoke rising from another trailered truck a few vehicles back. Pharah watched for only a brief moment before standing up.

"Never mind."

She quickly ran down the length of the trailer, jumping at the last moment to the smaller truck behind it, careful to maintain her balance. The Junker driving eyed her evilly, whipping out a pistol, but Pharah had already pulled herself up above him as bullets flew past her. She dashed along the length of this truck to, aiming for another eighteen-wheeler type vehicle driving beside it.

She made a hurried jump, the sounds of gunshots ringing in her ear, and she grasped the roof of its trailer, pulling herself up as fast as she could. Though, as she took to her feet, a Junker stood at the other end, wielding a crudely-made flail patting it in his hand as if its spiked ball phased him none. He grimaced as Pharah watched him, surprised, knowing that her element of such things would no longer apply, it seemed.


Mei pulled her hands from her ears as Junkrat giddily ran over to the door of Oliver's truck, his rushed explosive having ruined the lock. He kicked the door down, making a nice bridge to the trailer that was latched to this one by chains. He grabbed Mei's hand and helped her across, her eyes not looking down as she crossed the flimsy bridge.

"A'right!" Junkrat muttered, "Wait here; I need ta get up top and find this thing."

The two shared nods as he hopped up toward the top of Oliver's trailer, his feet scurring along the wall as he tried to hunt for a foothold, though Mei hurried to lift her arms, pushing him up. He stared off behind where they were, noticing a massive rig at the center of the convoy, possibly for maximum protection.

He nodded, looking back down to Mei, "I think we-!"

Mei was struggling with a Junker who'd appeared and had her against the wall, seemingly trying to choke her down. Junkrat's eyes went wide with anger as he jumped down, but by the time he'd recovered, Mei had swung a fist around, clocking the guy in the face, knocking him out. He fell to the side, but Mei grabbed him before he could fall between the two cars, but nearly fell as well above his weight. Junkrat grasped her helping bring the body up.

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