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Deep in the endless sands of Australia, despite the agents of Overwatch having departed, there was still something foreign here. Some sort of presence, obviously not supposed to be here. This ghostly being walked along the dirt, the only thing to denote their presence being the soft cracking of the dirt beneath their feet as they walked along, their destination just a few hundred feet away.

There, a car sat mangled, nearly torn apart after having careened into the wall just beyond it, the vehicle itself beyond any and all recognition. The only movement coming from this heap was a light trail of smoke blowing up into the sky, quickly evaporating as it entered the light.

Suddenly, a hand emerged, burst through the wreckage as an arm followed, trembling mightily as it clutched around at anything it could grasp onto, finally pulling as the head of a man suddenly emerged from the pile of metal and dirt.

Archibald gasped, desperate for air, simply lying there as his body rapidly rose and fell as his lungs worked overtime, trying to find enough oxygen to keep him alive, having nearly suffocated. As he gradually recovered, his breathing slowed, leaving him to relax on the cracked earth below, breathing more and more normal as his eyes closed with his head on the sand.

Suddenly, the sound of cracking dirt caught his ear, and he quickly whipped around. Nothing. His brow furrowed as he looked on, confused, still looking around, though his eyes locked onto something half-buried in the sand, just beside the site of the wreckage.

He crawled over, his legs far too broken to assist him any, reaching for the small, spherical device, his hand sliding against the dirt, shaking as his weak body exerted all the energy it had. Then, in a second, a shooting, vicious pain met the top of his hand, his head raising into the air as he screamed in pain.

"GAAAAAH!" his blood-curdling scream sounded as he looked down at his hand.

It was physically bent down into the earth below it, as if something were trying to push its way through the entirety of his hand, a twisting motion breaking at his skin as his screaming grew in a horrendous pain.

Suddenly, a pulse of electricity ran up from his hand, the high-heel of a shoe becoming visible as the source of his pain, the leg above it slowly coming into view as well as Archibald's head rose up, his eyes squinting as the sun came more and more into view.

"Tu mano..." came a female voice, another twisting coming at Archibald's hand as his teeth clenched, painfully.


The foot that had tried tearing through his hand immediately spun upward, clocking him in the face as his body flew backward, knocking him onto his back as he immediately retrieved his hand, pulling it into his chest to comfort the pain, though his eyes remained staring up into the dark silhouette that nearly met the sun.

"Mira tu idioma," the female voice said as hit bent down, reaching for the sphere that sat nestled in the dirt.

Archibald suddenly snarled, reaching for it himself with his good hand, but in a second, the silhouette whipped out a knife, shoving it into his hand.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" Archibald shouted again, writhing in pain as he stared as his hand, horrified.

The silhouette watched for but a moment, pitilessly, before grabbing for the sphere, dropping it into her pocket as she stood over the man, still rolling back in forth as he tried his best to stop the pain. Despite whatever he tried, the silhouette had other plans, regardless.

She pulled out a gun, Archibald immediately frozen in horror as his eyes met the barrel, his eyes wide as he tried his best to comprehend what exactly was going on, "W-W-What..."

"Who made this?" the woman spoke, through a rough Spanish accent.

Sufficiently freaked the fuck out, Archibald stammered a reply, "I-I-I think O-Overwatch! Th-The girl there!"

The shadow nodded, peering down into her pocket, "Thank you. for telling me."

She shrugged before turning around to leave, Archibald frantically shouting out, "W-Wait! D-Don't- Please! Help me!"

The silhouette dropped her head, almost in annoyance, as she turned around, slowly, approaching the near-dead man once more, "You want help? To be free from el dolor?"

Archibald's grinned cheekily, nodding rapidly, "Y-Yes! Yes! Please! Yes!"

The shadow groaned, just a moment before pulling her hand up and shooting the man in the face, his head exploding into a rather un-elegant pile of filth. She sighed as she holstered his gun, turning yet again to leave, her steps leaving nothing behind but the cracks beneath her as her body slowly began to disappear into the landscape

She reached up a hand toward her ear, waiting for a moment before a scruff voice appeared within her skull, "I hope you have good news, Sombra."

"The best," she replied, with a slight excitement, "Go ahead and schedule that ballroom affair."

"Consider it done."

The voice clicked offline as Sombra took a deep breath, her fingers rolling the metallic ball in her pocket as she walked back toward the beach.

"Hablando del reina de Roma..."

Madness and Meihem in the OutbackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin