It's Pretty Outside [Rainy Day AU]

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TW:// Mentions of Depression


Virgil sat next to the window, watching the heavy sheet after sheet of rain pound the concrete just beyond his porch, turning the driveway from gray to brown in seconds. A heavy rain was predicted on the weather channel, but only with a thirty percent chance. In Pokémon, that would be a one-hit KO. What? It's quarantine! Virgil has been playing a lot of Pokémon. He has nothing better to do!

Regardless of that, he was just sitting by the window in sort of a depressive slump. He doesn't want to do anything, he just doesn't have the energy nor motivation. Hooray for depression! Next to him in the windowsill is the YouTube app open, replaying Cavetown's cover of Chewing Cotton Will for the millionth time today. What time is it? Two in the afternoon? Seems fitting.

Virgil barely noticed when Logan entered the room, most likely exaughsted from his constant work on the computer. Quarantine and not being able to do in-person jobs has been taking effect on both men, so that's fun. Virgil was laid off and Logan works from home. Money is scare, but they're lucky it's just the two of them. They manage to work it all out.

Logan was holding a coffee mug that had gone cold and empty. His current task was to place it in the sink to be cleaned later. However, that task was derailed once he noticed Virgil's body language, explicitly telling Logan of the depressive state he is in.

Virgil barely moved his head when he noticed his husband had sat down next to him, unlike Virgil he folded his legs neatly so he didn't take up too much space on the floor. Virgil shifted his body so all his weight would be on Logan's side. He needed physical affirmation from his lover. In Layman's terms: hugs are nice. 

"It's pretty outside. I like it when it rains."

All Logan did was nod in agreement. With Virgil nearly asleep and the music video halted, Logan had decided that now is the perfrct time to distance himself from the technology he had been glued to for the past few months. He and Virgil's mental health is far more important than whatever task his work dictates needed to be done. Take care of your mental health. It is just as important as your physical health.

For the first time in the past few weeks, Logan had the blessing of watching Virgil smile as the rain hit the window pane.

420 Words

~Rem. Sweetgum

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