The Sunshine Feel So Nice Today [Aromantic Pride AU]

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(Please tell me any and all mistakes to correct)

The sunshine feels so nice today. Before exiting his house minutes prior, Virgil glanced at the clock and saw the time read noon on the dot. Virgil wore nothing but his signature hoodie and a pair of black bermuda shorts, which was normal for him. What wasn't normal was that his eyes weren't underlined with dark circles and his mouth curved upward bound rather than down. Today was a good day. The sky was blue, the clouds had disappeared, and summer was nearing its end, and the cicadas sang their song.

Virgil sat in the grass of his backyard, ignoring the scratchiness of the grass that needed mowing, and he crossed his legs. The fresh air was a much needed change from the stale air that surrounded his desk in his bedroom. Work from home is insufferable, quarantine is insufferable, but at the very least there are still some positives in this world. To keep depression and anxiety at bay, Virgil needs to remind himself that there are still some positives in the world.

Virgil closed his eyes and let the sun bathe his extremely pale skin. Vitamin D is extremely important, and he is working on fixing his solitary habits. His Vitamin D deficiency is making him extremely weak and it is not beneficial to anybody. His roommate and best friend, actually, is the one who suggested he go outside every time he finds himself either stressed or bored with his work. It was working like a charm.

The door creaked open, but Virgil needn't open his eyes. The only other person who was home right now was Logan, who also is the only other person who would even BE home right now. Virgil felt Logan's presence grow nearer, yet no words needed to be spoken between the two of them. Logan took their place sitting next to Virgil. Both of their breathing was nice and slow as the sun gently graced their faces with a warmth that could not be experienced within the confines of the indoors.

"The sunshine feels so nice today."

 Logan broke the comfortable silence with a fact that both people could happily agree upon. Virgil chuckled and opened his eyes, looking over at his very best friend in the entire universe. They wore their normal formal appearance, necktie and thick framed glasses, but they also wore something new. Adorned on their wrist was a woven bracelet in the colors green, lime, gray, yellow, and black.

"So you finally decided to wear it?" 

"Yes. It is a fine bracelet. You have done well to make it so masterfully." 

"Well, I'm glad you like my gift for you." 

"I appreciate it greatly, Virgil. Thank you."

Logan fell backwards, taking off their glasses and neatly putting it next to them on the side where Virgil was not. The sun had nothing to block its glorious rays, so they hit Logan directly in the face as they lay horizontally in the slightly unkept lawn they shared. Virgil followed suit, slowly leaning back until the back of his hoodie was met with the itchy grass. But who cares if the grass was itchy? Sunbathing and detoxing your mind is far more important than a few inconvenient bug bites.

How much time has passed since noon? Neither of the roommates know, But the author of this short story does. Just three minutes over a half hour passed. Silence was all that was shared between the two other than an enjoyment for the other's company. The sun was starting to turn both of their cheeks red, and it put far more emphasis on Logan's freckles than ever before. An entire half an hour of just relaxing under the natural blessing of the sun had passed before Virgil sat back up, with grass all over his hoodie, and stretched his arms upwards.

"I should get back to work. Da Boss'll be mad if I take too long of a break." 

"Then I, too, should return to what my task was prior to our relaxation period."

Virgil stood up and offered his hand to Logan, who gratefully took it. Their bracelet slightly fell down their arm as Virgil used all his strength in his puny stick arms to hoist their best friend back up to their feet. But using that same momentum, Virgil brought Logan in for a hug. Neither person was big on physical affection, but now seemed like one of the few times where it was desired.

"I love you, Logan."

 "I deeply care for you as well, Virgil."

750 Words

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