Past, Present, Future [Tarot AU]

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Virgil calmly shuffled the deck of cards in their hands, looking directly up at the ceiling in their darkened bedroom, the only light being his open window letting the moonlight and starlight pool in. Virgil set the deck down directly in front of him, placing the first three cards just above it in a line. One card for the past, one card for the present, and one card for the future. With a deep breath, Virgil mumbled his question he wanted the cards to answer.

"Will I be okay?"

Virgil flipped the first card over, the one all the way to the left: the card of the past. The five of swords stared up at them. From what Virgil had studied, the meaning of this card strives from degradation, infamy, dishonor, and loss. 

Yeah, Virgil had lost a lot and been the dishonor of their family. They were the only queer, the only one who didn't get perfect grades, the only non-athletic kid of the family. They had two older siblings and one younger, and they stuck out like a sore thumb. They were the quiet art kid. They didn't do anything impressive to earn their parents' love. That's why they were cut off the second they turned eighteen with no help or direction in what to do with their life. It fucking sucked. Virgil had never been more paranoid in their entire life.

Wanting to forget about that card, Virgil flipped the middle one over. The reversed six of cups decided to show itself to Virgil at this moment, bringing hopes towards the future and renewal in their present.

Virgil didn't have enough to get to college or do anything with their life, so they kinda just got a job at McDonalds and saved up enough money to get a shabby place to live. That's where they met Remus, and Roman, and then Patton by extension. Remus worked the same shift as Virgil and even offere them a place to love that wasn't a rat infested apartment barely big enough for a toddler. They met Remus's twin brother and then that brother's best friend and now Virgil actually had friends and a support system who loved them and supported them. Then they met Janus and Logan the next summer when they came back from their colleges out of state. Both attended law school, and both were equally as awesome as the gang Virgil already knew. This was Virgil's renewal.

With a smile on their face, Virgil revealed the last card: The Ten Of Pentacles. Family, heirlooms, fortune. The achievements of a lifetime. Virgil nearly cried when they saw that card, the only word that fixated in their mind wasn't family.

Virgil always wanted to be a Ren. Ren is a NonBinary parent. They wanted to have a child or two to fix the mistakes their parents made, give those children love and affection no matter what their strengths and weaknesses are. And... Virgil knew exactly who they wanted their husband to be the second they returned from law school and offered to take Virgil on a coffee "date" to get to know them better: Logan. They've never really talked about kids before, since this is Logan's last year of law school and he's so far away... Logan should be sleeping right now but..

Virgil grabbed their phone and opened up their text messages, selecting Logan's contact and typing as speedily their thumbs could go.

Virgil:// Okay random question but

Virgil// What's your thoughts on kids? No reason. 

Virgil felt their face flush madly. They weren't even can dating Logan! Well, officially. They hang out so often during the summer both with the gang and without them. They text almost every day and on weekends Logan's nights are just filled with Virgil. Virgil was shocked, especially since it was a school night, when Logan replied. 

Logan:// Children? I would only want to reproduce and care for offspring after my career is established and I found a suitable partner. I am curious as to your reason for asking, howevert I shall not pry. I respect your boundaries. 💙💙💙

Those hearts. Those damn blue hearts Logan puts after every text he sends always gives Virgil the soft UwU Doki Doki feeling in their chest. Virgil had a thought cross their mind. Oh no. Should they? Should they not? Virgil snatched their tarot deck, shuffling it as fast as they could (including the cards they drew previously) and they slammed it down, drawing the first card without even saying their question out loud.

The Chariot. Combined powers ready to move forward. Dynamic principle amd the human will to proceed. A strong personality and strong armor in self assertion. Finding one's place and a will to conquer.

Virgil:// Would I be a suitable partner?

Virgil immediately regretted their decision to send that message. They nearly threw their phone as they grabbed a pillow to scream in. Why would they do that?! Virgil, what in the gods damn did you do?! Who in their right mind would say that to the person they have a crush on?! You were too bold, kid! TOO BOLD!!! 

But, when Virgil looked back at their screen...

Logan:// If you are offering to be my partner, I would be more than happy to begin a romantic relationship with you. 💙💙💙

Virgil:// Wow I cant believe that worked.

Virgil:// So is this is going out now?

Logan:// I suppose so. 💙💙💙

Virgil:// Hell yeah. I love ya Logan. 💜💜💜

Logan:// I reciprocate your love, Virgil. 💙💙💙

Virgil set theirnohone down next to their tarot deck, unable to wipe the big smile off of their face. They took the pillow they screamed in and hugged it to their chest as they stared out the open window letting the waning gibbous moon's glow into the tarot cards. It hit the chariot perfectly.

Sometimes you just have to be a little bold.

965 Words

~Rem. Sweetgum

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