Chapter 7 - A new Student

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   Atlas, Monday came, I jumped out of the bed happily, quickly dressed up and rushed downstairs. I was restless throughout breakfast and immediately I heard the driver's horn,I sped off 'Wait and take your snacks' my Mom ordered 'Tomorrow Mom' I replied back not waiting to listen to her response. I entered the car and greeted the driver with a smile 'Good morning,Mr Dalwin'  'Seems you are in a good mood today' Mr Dalwin teased 'Yeah,I won a lottery ticket in my dream last night' I teased back as we both laughed and he drove off.

   I got off the car as if I am to be awarded,I walked like a queen of an empire, greeting anyone that comes my way. Before I could walk up to the classroom,I sighted Jason with his handsome dazzling face. I wanted to shout his name since we're in a short distance but I suddenly remembered we are in school so I adjusted my school uniform and walked in silence.

   When I got to the classroom's door,I noticed Jason has gotten closer so I decided to stay and greet him first. As he was walking closer to me,I could feel his footsteps thumping my heart. Atlas,he walked so close to me and I said in my relaxed manner 'Good morning Jason'. I was still smiling when Jason saw me and without hesitation,he took his eyes off me and faced another direction as he entered the classroom. I was deeply hurt,it was like a gunshot fired into my heart 'Maybe he didn't hear me' I muttered consoling my pitiful self.

   I sighted Anabelle and Nick walking in together 'Don't they look cute together?' my subconscious asked in a mockery way  'They do' I replied it. I was about to enter when Justin tapped me 'Hey Mandy' 'Hi Justin, thanks for Saturday' I replied forcing a smile on my face ' My regards to your Mom too,she was such an Angel' ' Okay dear' he said and smiled as we entered together. I saw Jason and pretended not to take such interest in the incident earlier. Anabelle and Nick walked in together,I looked at them with jealousy and as Anabelle sat,I turned back and smiled 'Seems my friend is so love now', she said nothing,she just smile as she asked 'How'd Saturday go? 'Just good' I replied as I asked her 'What about you?, it's obvious that your sightseeing with Nick yielded a good result but please can you tell me the little details? I said blinking my eyes 'Later girl,calm down' she replied frankly.

   Few minutes later, Mrs Matilda came in for an announcement 'Morning boys and girls' she said few seconds after entering and ensuring that there is a noiseless environment 'Good morning Mrs Matilda' we all chorused 'I'm here to inform you about all about the Annual camping the school authority organized for you' The headteacher added. There was an excitement and jubilation amongst the students even Anabelle was very happy. While she was still announcing,Mrs Benning came in and said 'Excuse me Headteacher, the new student is here' 'Let her come in' Mrs Matilda ordered 'New girl?' Mrs Matilda said as the tall,slim, blonde-haired and blue eyed girl walked in indelibly 'Hope she's aware that examination is starting in two weeks time?' 'She is ma'am, she's so aware that if she doesn't get good grades when the results of the first exam is out, she's going to be transferred' Mrs Benning added looking at the girl cautiously 'Very well then' Mrs Matilda said and faced the students 'The date and details of the camping is going to be posted on the notice board,be updated so that you won't be left out' 'Never Mrs Matilda' the students chorused happily as Mrs Matilda left. Mrs Benning walked up to the students and ordered the new girl to introduce herself,she kept smiling at the fair long-haired classic girl which her chin high up as she smiled back at Mrs Benning. ' Mrs Benning didn't even smile at me on my first day at school, I hope she's not been racist? I thought 'Idiot,that was because you lost your senses the moment you saw Jason' my subconscious mocked me.

   Sometimes,I wonder why my subconscious is always against me,it should always stick up to me and side me 'Well, that's true' I muttered back to my subconscious 'Introduce yourself my dear' Mrs Benning ordered ' Hi everyone,my name is Anna Brown,I transferred from America to Scotland because of my Mom, she's a business tycoon so I hope you treat me well' she said as she smiled at everyone. 'Urg!, isn't she boasting?' I muttered to Anabelle as I heard a lot of student's murmuring.
'Alright then, there's an empty chair behind Jason, you can sit there' she said pointing to Jason 'You can also meet him during your leisure time, he'll tutor you pro tem so that you'll meet up with others before exam day.Jason,help her out, will you? She asked Jason 'Aye,Mrs Benning' Jason replied with a dazzling smile. 'Why is he smiling at her' I thought feeling deeply hurt 'I hope he has no feelings attached' I thought as I looked at his direction again,I saw him looking at his new back seatmate,Anna.

    A week after,Jason and Anna has become almost inseparable,the sight of them irritates me alot 'So Anna has found a perfect reason to become intimate with Jason just because Mrs Benning asked him to tutor her' I thought angrily. While thinking, Justin sat and offered me a chocolate,I quickly smiled and took my direction off the new lovey-dovey. Justin sat beside me while Anabelle and Nick were seen taking pictures together,I smiled when I saw them, Justin saw me smiling and he smiled too,I looked at him and thought 'Justin has been tutoring me a lot ,I'm studying just to impress Jason and a girl will snatch him away from me?, Never!!!'. Sometimes I feel bad,a guy is trying so hard to help me study while I'm studying just to impress my crush 'Well I know it'll worth it in the end' I thought happily 'I hope Jason's studying too' I thought looking at his direction. Exam is just few days away, I was really worried.

    Finally, Anabelle caught me stealing glances at Jason and came to me after Justin and Nick left us 'Hey girl, spill the beans' she ordered 'Uhn!, which beans?' I said looking away from Jason and Anna's direction 'You've been looking at Jason and Anna,I have also noticed you've been staring at him with keen interest and admiration, you know I'm your back seatmate so tell me the clean truth' Anabelle retorted. I know I have been caught red-handed so there's no need to hide it anymore 'Yes, it's all true,I have a crush on Jason even before I got here but I didn't know we'll be in the same class,I found out on my first day at school' I confessed to her looking glum 'Poor girl, hope he's aware' she asked me 'No, he's not' I answered ' it's okay girlfriend, we'll do something about it, just promise me you'll be serious with your studies, you know exam is just few days away,I don't want you thinking about him and failing this exam' she said with a friendly smile ' I promise' I said as I returned her smile. Actually,I was afraid Anabelle would get mad if she finds out I'm crushing on a guy who once rejected her but she does not even care,she really is a true friend indeed.

   Days passed and examination day finally came,I have read so much to the extent that I'm now looking pale and frazzled,my mom was so worried that she asked her husband,Mr Harrison 'Whatever could be wrong with our daughter?' 'It's exam stress,it happens to anyone' my Dad replied. Even Merissa was surprised, she's never seen me read until I become this way. Mr Dalwin came and saw my Haggard face but he said nothing,he just drove off. When I got to school, Justin came to me and said 'Are you alright, Mandy?' 'Yes,I am' I replied him with a smile. Anabelle also saw me ' Geez, Mandy, you look horrible' she said as she handed over a small mirror to me ' I know' I replied as I saw my pale face in the mirror. 'What's this?' I asked her pointing to a lovely pen 'It's for Nick,exam starts today,I need to give him a good luck pen' she said smiling at the pen. She gave the pen to Nick when she saw him 'Thanks' Nick said as he smiled at her, Justin also came to me and gave me a chocolate with 'Good luck' written on its wrapper,I collected it and thanked him and left with Anabelle.

   Examination was held for two weeks and On the last day, Mrs Matilda announced that the results will come out a week after the exam. I saw Jason and Anna walking together but I didn't care ' Just wait till the results comes out' I said looking at Jason first and then I looked at Anna scornfully.

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