Chapter 13- Investigation

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     It was a windy Tuesday,I woke up with tears rolling and streaming down my eyes,I remembered all what happened briefly especially what Liam and Jodie said and I cried out the more,that was the disheartening part and tears came out freely on her own. I have never for once regretted been a black girl,I'm even thankful to my Dad, he's the most caring Dad ever. I summoned courage as I got up and prepared for school, whenever I'm in the bathroom,I'm always singing but ever since the incident, I have become someone that cry a lot under the shower.

   I ate breakfast and remained silent until Mr Dalwin came,I waved to my Mom as she encouraged me and I left. When he dropped me off at the school gate,I thought deeply 'I wonder how today's gonna be' ,I thought about Anabelle and all my classmates but I stopped when I remembered Jason and Anna, those nightmare-like couples in my life.

    I wasn't expecting anybody's happy face but I went in anyways. I could sight Anabelle laughing with Nick,I had forgotten for a moment that we're no longer friends,I smiled at her but she returned my smile with a cold look,that was when I remembered that we're no longer companions. 'I wonder if I'll ever get used to this type of atmosphere' I thought as I sat in the uncomfortably hot atmosphere,my chairs has been filled with all sorts of terrible inscriptions 'Leave,we don't want you', 'Seductress', 'Black girl with her black brain', 'Insolent temptress' and all sort of heartbreaking words. Few minutes later, Justin walked up to my seat with a broad and cheery smile,his smile was like a ray of sunshine, warmth and comfort.

   He sat beside me and he was about to speak,he saw those inscriptions and brought out his handkerchief,he erased them all and that comforted me alot ,then he asked 'Are you alright?' 'Yeah' I replied trying to look away from Anabelle's direction 'Great,when it's lunchtime, we'll go to Master Gary and ask for Master Alfred's address,we might find a clue from him' he said with a smile 'Alright' I nodded happily. I could see Anna's hand on Jason's shoulder but I didn't care, I was restless throughout the class,I just want the lunchtime bell to ring.

   At last,the bell rang,I went to Justin and we went. When we got to his office's door,we knocked politely and went in, we told him our request and the kind-hearted teacher agreed to help,he gave is his address and contact,he even asked us to see if he's alright 'The last time I saw him,he had a bandaged nose,my utmost regards to him,I really miss that buddy' he said as he walked us with us out of the office. Justin and I both agreed to go on a Saturday. Four days passed and each day was so dissuading. Saturday came and Justin and I met at the bus station. We used the address Master Gary gave us and traced our way to Master Alfred's house.

   We got to an old apartment whose paintings are antiquated and of darker colours,we got to the doorstep and Justin knocked twice but nobody answered 'Hello!!' Justin said and clammed up,I could hear his echoes as he shouted,he continued knocking until a passer by saw us and informed us 'Mr Alfred has relocated two weeks ago' 'Whaatt?!!' I exclaimed in shock 'He moved out the next day he was burgled' the passer by continued 'Burgled?!' I asked 'No wonder he had a bandaged nose' Justin added as he turned to the passer by and asked 'Is there a way we could get his new address?' ' I'm afraid not' the passer by said and left 'Thanks' I managed to say to him as he was leaving 'There's no way I can be free from this' I muttered almost crying 'Don't lose hope,we'll look for another means' he said, I took my phone and called his contact 'His contact is not reachable too, could Master Alfred have run away?' I asked facing Justin and he replied 'We can't be sure of anything yet, let's go',I nodded as we left.

  On our way home,we sighted Jason and Anna,I wanted to ignore them but Justin held my hand and we walked opposite the couple, Anna stopped when she saw us 'Oh my!! Mandy,what are you doing out here?' she asked with a smile intended to mock me 'Why?!!,is this road yours?' I asked coldly 'Of course not, Jason and I are on a date' she said holding Jason's hand.
   I looked at Jason and I could feel hot tears on their way to his handsome face,he didn't say anything 'Seems you need to get cool air outside after what you've done' Anna said Mockingly 'You should mind your business, don't worry about me and enjoy your date' I replied 'Sure, we will'she said as she chuckled,I didn't reply,I just looked at the mute Jason,held Justin's and we left. Few minutes later,we sat in a store,I let go of Justin's hand and cried out 'Why is life treating me this way,I never knew my feelings for him would put me in this mess, maybe it's because I was an altruist' I said as I cried uncontrollably.

  Justin tried comforting me but it was furtile. After some minutes of sobbing,I stopped crying,raised my head from his shoulder and we left 'Thanks for today' I said as we parted ways 'Alright,take care' he said and left.

* * * * * * * *
When Jason got home after his date with Anna,he let out a loud cry alerting his Dad,Mr Baldwin and his younger brother, Kennedy. His Dad came to his room and asked 'What's wrong son?' 'Nothing Dad' he replied trying to wipe his tears 'Talk to me son' his Dad pleaded. He looked at his caring father with his warm and welcoming eyes and decided to tell him ,he informed his dad that he is hypertensive which made his dad flabbergasted then he continued 'Because of that,I can't even date the girl I like, she's been accused recently which is so heartbreaking, I've liked her since the first day I saw her. Her name is Mandy, she's a beautiful,black complexioned, tubby and shapely girl,she is of average height with pointed nose,thin-lipped mouth and intelligent eyes,her smile is angelic while her laughter is revealing a set of beautifully-arranged white teeth which makes her adorable and gorgeous' 'Wow, that's cool son' Mr Baldwin replied in admiration that his son likes a black girl 'Because of her accusation,I'm going out with another girl,though I don't like her,I'm going out with her because I need to confirm something' Jason said 'And what's that son?' his Dad asked ' I'm suspecting that she's behind Mandy's accusation,I visited her once and her mom mentioned Mandy,I have been suspicious since then' he explained 'Let me help son' his Dad said as he explained how to catch Anna red-handed 'Thanks Dad' he said as he smiled after the explanation and thought 'I'm  happy I can finally be of help to Mandy'.

* * * * * * * * *
     Justin also got home and cried,his Mom and Dad was not around, only Kylie was,she heard her brother's voice and went to his room,she was heartbroken when she saw her brother.she is a girl that really love her brother and would not allow anything happen to him,she noticed her brother has been working hard on something recently and she has come into conclusion that it's about Mandy.

    When she saw her brother crying,she didn't ask why,the Scottish girl just said 'It's aboot Bonnie Mandy,int it?' Justin was puzzled as he stopped crying and asked his sister 'How did you know?' 'Yer aff yer head since the day she came,the night she came, you were unable to sleep'. Justin didn't reply,he was just surprised his little sister could give him attention and notice all this about him 'Dinnae be feart  brother,talk to me' Kylie pleaded then Justin narrated everything to her including his feelings 'Tell her how you feel' Kylie snapped ' I'm sure she won't be ungrateful to you,she's gaunnae accept you'.

    Kylie promised to help and collected some essential tips about the incident 'Are you sure you are going to help me? Justin asked 'Aye brother' Kylie said and sped off. Justin was happy his little sister could actually understand and love him so much like this,he was happy as he wait to tell Mandy his feelings.

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   Anabelle and Nick went out to see a movie. when they entered the cinema,the sat and five minutes to the commencement of the movie, Nick's phone rang and he went outside, leaving only Anabelle in the theatre. Throughout the movie,Nick didn't come in, Anabelle was dead worried and restless and at last,she decided to go look for him.

   She left the cinema looking for Nick,she saw him in front of the theatre still calling. Nick saw Anabelle coming towards him ' I'll call you back, Irene' he said as he quickly ended the call, Anabelle couldn't hear the name clearly as she was approaching him 'What's up Bonnie,has the play ended?' Nick asked with a smile on his face, Anabelle didn't answer,she just looked at Nick in an upset manner as she asked 'Who were you talking to for almost an hour?' 'It's my friend' Nick replied not looking guilty 'Who's the person,is there anybody else except Justin?,but it can't be him,you guys fought already' Anabelle asked incredulously 'It's my neighbourhood friend' Nick replied 'I could have sworn I heard a girl's name but I didn't hear it clearly so don't deceive me' Anabelle said as he snatched Nick's unlocked phone.

   Nick tried collecting his phone but Anabelle's hand was firmer than his,she clicked on his call history and saw 'My treasure' as the last caller,as she was about to ask,she saw that Nick has removed her picture from her wallpaper,it was another girl appearing on his phone's wallpaper now 'Who's this girl Nick?' she asked impatiently, Nick was dumbfounded at first before he finally lied 'She's my cousin' 'Your cousin?!' Anabelle asked again 'Yeah' Nick replied and gently collecting his phone from her,he changed his wallpaper to Anabelle's picture,he apologized for not watching the movie with her and smiled at her, Anabelle tried to force a smile on her face too. Nick held her hand and the couple walked back to the theatre but Anabelle was still bothered and sceptical 'Could Mandy be right about Nick?' she thought and looked doubtfully at Nick as they walked back to the theatre.

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