Chapter 15 - Several shock

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      Jason kept rolling on the bed unable to sleep,he remembered when he went on a date with Anna after they met Justin and I on the way,how he mentioned my name and how Anna reacted shockingly to it, he kept having the flashback and her response kept echoing in his heart 'Maybe I'll do what my Dad suggested' he thought and finally slept.

   Anna too was unable to sleep,she went to her Mom's room late in the night 'Mom,I'm greatly troubled',her Mom didn't reply as she was very sleepy,she tapped her Mom until she sat and she narrated 'Last Saturday,I met Mandy and Justin while on date with Jason, after exchanging pleasantries,they left and Jason kept talking about her and I was feeling uneasy,Jason is more sad about Mandy's accusation, you know he likes her,I'm scared Mom' Anna said sadly 'Don't worry about that darling, I'll take care of it' Mrs Brown assured her daughter 'Thanks Mom' Anna said and went to her room happily 'Now,I can finally sleep' she said as she tucked herself in.

  The next morning, Anna's Mom woke her up and said 'Wake up sweetie', Anna opened her eyes only to find her Mom all dressed up 'Where are you going Mom' Anna asked 'A business trip to Elsinore, Denmark, I need to sign a contract and attend some meetings and I'll be coming back in two weeks time' her Mom said 'Two weeks?!!,what about what you said you'll help me with?' Anna asked impatiently as she got off her bed 'When I return darling, I've ordered your maid to help you with everything you need' her Mom assured her 'Okay, Mom' she said as she smiled and saw her Mom off their palace-like house. Immediately she went in, her phone rang 'Hello Jason,how was your night?' she asked happily 'Splendid Angel,my parents are not around and Ken is going out with them so I'm inviting you over,what do you say?' Jason asked 'Yeesss, expect me in the next one hour' she said and jumped with pleasure,she ended the call and prepared for Jason's house.

     Jason knew Anna would definitely come, because she has been eager to come to his house,all this while,he'll just show her his house and walk her home,he had planned to do what his father suggested as he has began to suspect Anna the more. He set a recording device in the closet in his room and waited for Anna's arrival. Few minutes later, Anna came looking more beautiful than she was in school,she knocked twice. Jason knew she had come so he activated the recorder before he opened the door,when Jason saw her,she almost fell with her beauty but her alleged despicable acts could not overcome her beauty 'Morning Jason' she greeted as she walked in modestly 'Hello Anna, you are looking great' Jason said 'Thanks' Anna said as she turned pink with pleasure, she flushed at the fact that it's now obvious Jason likes her not me 'If he does not like me,how will he invite me when there's no one at home, seems I've been suspicious for nothing' her subconscious reminded her. Then suddenly, Jason feigned an headache and Anna helped him to his room then Jason voiced out 'Ever since Mandy's accusation- - - - ' 'Mandy?!!' Anna snapped as she repeated my name and quivered with fear 'Yeah,ever since Anabelle told everyone she did it because of me,I have been feeling glum and upset' 'So he called me here because of Mandy!' Anna thought as she became frigid and fear gripped her 'I have decided to help her out and I have already been suspecting someone,so what do you think?, should we help her out together?' Jason asked looking at Anna's face as he has already knew that Anna's expression has already given her away 'Are you okay?' he asked 'Yeahh!' Anna managed to talk 'You look upset,let me get you an iced water, it'll calm you down' Jason suggested as Anna nodded in agreement and Jason went downstairs.

   Immediately Jason went downstairs,Anna brought out her phone and called her mom and without letting her daughter speak,Mrs Brown spoke 'Hi sweetie, still on the plane, are you missing Mom already?' 'That's not it Mom, after you left, Jason invited me to his house' Anna spoke with fear 'That is great, sweetie' her Mom snapped 'Listen up Mom,he knows Mandy did that because she wanted to have him so he's bent on finding out who' Anna narrated chattily 'Don't let your fear give you away,be cool sweetie' her mom advised ' I'm trying to but what if he knows that I'm the one that set Mandy up because she's a black person' Anna said trembling 'He won't' her mom replied 'Maybe he has found out that we browbeat Master Alfred to admit that the rumour I made was true and asked him to resign and relocate afterwards,Mom I'm scared' Anna spoke sadly then she heard Jason's footsteps 'He's on his way,I need to go Mom' 'Alright,be cool darling' Mrs Brown concluded 'Okay Mom' she said and ended the call. She adjusted her beautiful pink dress and acted cool again, Jason entered and gave Anna the iced water,Anna accepted and drank nervously 'Maybe if I agree to help Mandy out, he'll not suspect me again' she thought 'Jason, about what you said earlier,I think we should help Mandy out, it'll be nice if we could be of some help to her' she said innocently and with her cool voice chasing her guilt and nervousness away 'Okay' Jason replied and smiled at her 'Let me take my leave, you need to rest' Anna said as she stood up 'Okay,let me see you off' Justin said trying to stand but he pretended the headache was disturbing him 'No!,take medication and sleep, I'll find my way home' Anna replied 'Thanks' Jason smiled as he patted her shoulders 'Take care of yourself' Anna said and left.

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