Chapter 14- Further investigation

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   Merissa and Lenny came home with tears on their faces,I came downstairs when I heard Lenny's cry,I saw both of them crying 'Merissa, what's wrong?,your cry alerted me',she didn't answer,I held Lenny and asked him 'What's wrong Lenny,do you have a bad day at school?' 'I was bullied in school by Merissa's classmate' little Lenny cried 'Who?' I asked facing Merissa 'Why asking when you already know!' my rude sister replied 'I don't, please Merissa,talk to me' I pleaded almost with tears in my eyes 'It's Kate, Jodie's younger sister,she told others not to play with me even my best friend,Elena left me because of you' she retorted angrily 'She said he sister told her not to play with me because you sold your body to earn marks in order to impress a guy' 'That's not true!!,I was accused' I cried out 'Then why is Lenny crying?' I asked 'Kate told Lenny's classmates not to play with him in the playground' Merissa replied ' I'm sorry you have to face this,I'm already investigating the matter, I'll be cleared soon I promise' I said as I managed to console Lenny but Merissa just won't stop crying,her sobs contracted me too and I can't help but cry together with her 'Now Jodie's determined to ruin me,my siblings are now being criticized publicly,I won't let her get away with this' I thought sadly.

Few hours later,Justin visited,we came outside and went to the cottage,he was happy at first but was suprised when he saw me and asked 'Why is your face like that, have you been crying? 'No' I lied looking away but Justin wasn't fooled 'Why do you keep hurting yourself, it's okay to cry when you are sad but this is just too much, don't accept defeat easily, you need to be strong' Justin advised 'Stop bringing those tears out' he ordered when he saw that I was already crying ' I'm not bringing them out!!' I retorted' 'The tears kept coming on their own,I'm not in control of them anymore,they felt my pain so they came out' I said as I faced him with tears rolling down my cheeks 'See?!!' I said showing him the tears on my face 'I really can't bear to see you this way again' Justin said 'Why?!!,then stop coming here, that way you won't see this miserable face again' I snapped 'Stop downgrading yourself,try to be the strong girl you are' Justin roared, this is the first time Justin raised his voice at me and that made me angry as I raised my voice back at him 'Who are you to tell me that,who the hell do you think you are and why are you telling me this,Why?!!' 'Because I like you' Justin replied in a more relaxed manner and that made me silent for a while,I looked at him and managed to let out a shriek 'Whaatt?!!' 'Yeah,I like you since the first day I sighted you,it was an instant crush when you bumped into me that day,I like everything about you, your enthusiasm, your actions and even your replies,I didn't even care if you have never look at me once,even if you like Jason,I'll wait for you' Justin confessed 'You knew I liked Jason?' I asked with teary eyes 'Yeah,you are always looking at him even during classes, anytime I want to steal glances of you, your direction is always at Jason's seat' he replied.

  I was still shocked and unable to believe my eyes ' I'm way over him now' I told him 'I know' he said as he came closer 'But if you'll give me a chance, I'll - - -' 'I can't' I took a step away from him as I retorted angrily 'A guy I liked put me in this mess and I'm yet to get out,so what'll happen if I like another?, please forget about it,we can never be together' I told him solemnly. Justin was shocked when he heard this,he didn't say anything,he just left. As he was leaving,I was weeping silently as I could feel emotional tears on their way to his cute eyes.

     When he got home,he saw Kylie and ignored her as he went to his room. Few minutes later, Kylie came in handling over Master Alfred's number 'I don't need it again' he told her 'Why?!,what did she say about your feelings?' Kylie asked 'I was rejected instantly,she was hurt by her previous love so she didn't even bothered to consider me?' Justin replied 'So you're giving up?' Kylie asked again 'What's up with you today?,why are you speaking in English?,what happened to your Scottish brogue?' Justin asked avoiding her questions 'You know I can't speak Scottish while you are upset and besides,I'm still an American, just because Mom and Dad had me here doesn't mean I'm a Scottish' the 15 years old girl explained while Justin managed to smile 'Don't give up brother' she said handling a sheet of paper to Justin.

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