First Day Of Senior Year Part 1

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Hugo's P.O.V.

"This is it. The first day at a new school," I thought to myself as I parked my Lamborghini in the school parking lot.

I got out of my car and went into the school. The school was much bigger then I thought it would be. I went to my locker to put my backpack away. I pull out my math book and I shut my locker. Just then I saw a guy who looked about my age standing next to my locker with a math book in his hand as well. "Man he's hot," I thought to myself.

"Can you show me where math class is because I'm new here?" I asked.

He closed his locker and he smiled at me. "Sure. Oh and by the way my name's Slade. What's your name?" Slade asked.

"I'm Hugo," I stated.

"It's nice to meet you. Would you like to sit with me at lunch?" Slade asked.

I nodded and blushed slightly. Then Slade and I went to math class. Slade sat in the desk that is next to a girl with a pixie cut hair cut. I sat in the only other desk that was avalible in the classroom which was the desk in the back cornor of the room. I saw the girl and Slade giggleing about something and her and Slade were blushing. I was starting to feel a bit jelouse but luckly a moment later the bell rang and the teacher entered the room and the girl and Slade stopped blushing and laughing right away. A moment later I pulled out my phone so I could play Super Mario Run. A moment later the teacher noticed that I was on my phone and she was standing right in front of my desk. "Hugo give me your phone please," the teacher stated.

I shook my head. "Give the phone to me now," said the teacher seriously.

"No. I'm on the final level and I need to defeat bowser," I responded.

The teacher went back to the front if the room and continued teaching. I was about to defeat Bowser when Mario fell in the lava. "Nooooo! I was so close to beating him," I said slightly angry.

"Hugo go to the principal's office right now," said the teacher seriously.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said slightly angry.

I left the classroom and I went into the principal's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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