The Breakfast Club

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   I felt someone tap my shoulder and looked up to see Abby smiling down at me then she murmured, "Time to leave."
   I lifted my head to see Bram kiss Cass, I picked up my things and stared up at the clock waiting for the minute hand to move once more when I was torn out of my thoughts by Abby's quiet voice.
   "Thank you."
   "For what?" I asked very confused.
   "Being my friend," she muttered and smiled at Alan who was now by her side.
   "I'd be an idiot if I weren't your friend, that includes the rest of you too," I replied looking at Alan then back at Cassandra and Bram.
   "So we all agree tomorrow, we will be friends?" Alan asked.
   "Yes," the rest of us said in unison except for Abby who Alan kissed in return.
   We all waited for the rest to pick up their things then walked out of the library, I was the last out and saw Alan give Brent a bro hug, Brent turned to me and waited for me to catch up.
   "Seemed like a lifetime, didn't it?" Brent asked and kissed my forehead softly.
   "You too, huh?" I asked then took his hand feeling his fingers intertwine with mine, fitting perfectly.
   "Yeah," he chuckled a little, the others stood waiting for us and when we caught up with them we all started walking down the hall.
   As Brent and I passed Carl, the janitor, Brent smiled and told him, "We'll see you next Saturday."
   "You bet," Carl smiled shifting his eyes from me to Brent then we walked out of the school.
   I watched Alan put his hoodie around Abby's shoulders and pull her in for a kiss, after they pulled apart Abby got in her car as her parents had just drove up and as she got in the car Alan did the same seeing as his dad had just drove up, Alan turned back and stared back at Abby before his dad drove off.
   I looked over to see Cassandra pull up Bram's hand and take her diamond earring out and place it in his hand realizing he surprisingly had an ear piercing.
   Bram leaned in and kissed her then got it his parents car still looking up at Cassandra and smiling at her putting the earring in his ear.
   After Cassandra left with her parents, I turned to Brent and smiled at him when he said quietly, "Do you want me to walk you home?"
   "Only if you want to," I replied.
   "Hell yeah I want to," he laughed and we walked toward the football field, I went through the whole day in my head, all the ups and downs, the heartfelt conversations that occurred and smiled to myself seeing Brent raise his fist in the air and remembered that now, I would never be alone again.

   Dear Mr. Vernon,
     We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is that we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, a jock, a basket case, a princess, a criminal, and a nobody. Does that answer your question?
   Sincerely yours,
   The Breakfast Club.

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