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Unedited because im lazy and its 2am and I need to study for a math test <33
With no morning sun, no morning Aizawa coffee rampage the only indication of the morning was the insensitive alarm ringing nonstop. You groaned smashing the alarm to shut the horrid thing up. You read the time, 5.30. 'Shit, it is 5.30! Midnight and I have to leave at 6!' You threw yourself out of bed into the bathroom for a shower.

After successfully eating, changing into your uniform and cleansing yourself from the night times sleep, you pulled out your phone to text a few people. You were surprised to see you were already first to receive texts.

Explosive Boyfriend

Oi! You didn't call last night as you promised. Not like you to fuck up a promise. I swear to god, if you get yourself hurt again I'll kill you, dumbass!


No, stupid, I'm fine! Thanks for your concern tho ;)

Sorry, I didn't call! I was with Midnight. Going to do some patrol and training now! I bet you are too. I wish you luck, Katsuki! (Although you won't need it)

You sighed slumping on the couch, waiting for Midnight.

Izu-Kun 🥦

Hello Y/n,

I wanted to let you know we are actually quite close by, turns out I'm around Hosu. As promised, if Iida acts rash, you will be contacted! :)

So far, so good! I hope all is well, and have you possibly- r-read my letter?...

You sighed, remembering the letter. It made you uncomfortable. In that instant, before you could write back, Midnight snatched your phone. "Oh! Its the lover-boy! Let me respond!" Before you could say anything, Midnight took the liberty to respond.



Glad to hear you are close-by! Thanks for keeping your promise ;)

All is well with me thank you very much! I did read your letter ;)

"Midnight-Sama! What's with all the winky faces! I wanted to say I lost the letter!" You pouted. She giggled.

"Young love these days." You nudged her as you two began to put away your things and leave to patrol.

"What love?!"


"So, did you get any more texts?" Midnight asked as you were patrolling streets. Because Midnight isn't one of a 'patrolling hero' she decided to drop you off with a few more of her (less revealing) pro-hero comrades and go off and do her work that you cannot participate within. Later, she would take you on a mission and have training after the fact.

"Yeah, Papa texted me, but I didn't get a chance to respond. I'll respond tonight. Nothing from Shoto... When are you leaving?" Midnight turned to you.

"Right now. Over there is an agency. Heroes will come out and patrol with you so dont be shy! I'll pick you up at 5 pm and take you on your first-ever mission! I'm sorry I'm not so much use with patrolling but, I assure you, training will be worthwhile! These heroes have some great quirks for you to use!" You nodded.

"Sounds good." Before Midnight left, she turned on her heal. You could see quantities of eyes locked on her beautiful figure.

"Oh! I meant to ask, how's your cousin, Neito-Bo? He used to be very close to his aunt (your mother)." You shrugged unsure of the answer.

You lower your gaze to the floor. "I'm not so sure. Neito-San is in class 1B. He is very hateful to my class but he, merely-" You felt tears brim in your eyes, remembering the pain of your once-loved cousin. "-ignores me. Not without staring evilly first." You sigh before refocusing your gaze on Midnight. "Oh, you need to go! We'll talk later!" She blew a kiss as she ran off.

"Have fun!" You nodded as you watched your lewd aunt runoff.


The hours of patrol until your mission was stimulating enough. You and the 19-25-year-old pro heroes liked to joke around. They were a lot of fun to be around. But, they were too chill about things. A small gang of villains almost only a block away were reported to be robbing a musical store. They just sighed and asked you to 'deal with it'. You didn't argue. It could be thrilling. Though, all alone?

You earned access to their handy quirks before they waited outside for you to scope out the crime scene at large. "Are you sure I can go in alone. I'm only a high school student, shouldn't I be accompanied?"

"Do you need company?" A somewhat flirty male hero asked.

"No! I can do this!" You exclaimed getting prepared for your possibly dangerous first mission.

"Yes, you can! We love giving newbies their first crime!" A bubbly female inquired. Or you're just lazy... You sighed your anxieties away. I'm so stupid...

You entered through the backdoor using a selectable invisibility quirk. There were three villains stealing appliances. First, a large and burly man with a shark head and a gold chain around his neck. The second, a lanky woman with a thorned but hair. Third, a man with eyes covering his entire body.

"Any pros' here, Eyeshot?" The Sharkman asked the individual covered in eyeballs.

"No, I can not spot anything." The man, known as Eyeshot, stated. You looked in the corner to the camera the pro's outside where controlling. You looked at the back and front doors they stood as back-up by.

Your POV

"Ready to go, chief?" The bush-haired woman asked the Shark-dude.

"Yea-" Before he could continue what he was saying, I used speed, still accessing my invisibility, and snatched all the duffle bags filled with appliances and stood by the back door. While they registered what happened I gentley passed the stolen goods back to my pro-hero alliances.

"Now, go arrest em'!" The bubble hero encouraged me to do.

"I dont have authority for that." I deadpanned, glaring at the girl.

"Right- Alright then, I'll take these small fries--" Before she could continue I was grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown across the store. The backdoor was slammed in causing it impossible for anyone to come and save me.

"Little girl, think you can fuck this up?!" I spat up blood from biting my gum and rubbed my barely abraded arm.

"Heh. You threw me across a store and the best you could do was a scrape? Against me, you don't stand a chance... I'm a high school student." I activated invisibility and speed. I ran with superspeed in different parts of the store, rendering them confused on my position. I leapt up and aimed a kick straight to his shark face. He flew across the store as I did earlier. As I landed I revealed myself. the thorned woman instantly came after I put I knocked her out cold after crashing my elbow into her gut and slamming her head into the table. The 'Eyeshot' guy stood still, I assumed he was just scared of me, who had taken out his comrades in mere seconds but apparently not.

That was already my first mistake. I saw the shine of metal and my eyes widened.


I should've just got the backup...

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