Home Ec and Office Confessions (terunidai)

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Nekomaru has to admit, home ec wasn't his favorite class..nor was he very good at it. But, he had to do it, especially since today was a lab. Snapping him out of his internal monologue, one of his classmates, ibuki screamed "IBUKI GONNA BURN DOWN THE KITCHEN! IBUKI GONNA BURNNN!" While everyone looked terrified, ms yukizome just looked tired "no ibuki..we're getting partners, I picked them so no Teruteru and Souda stop looking at each other! I want to see you work with people you wouldn't usually! Bonding time yeah?" There was a loud sigh from every student besides sonia "ooo!! Bondage!" "BONDAGE?! MS SONIA..HOW..DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING SO..SO DIRTY!" "Bondage is just bonding with your friends kazuichi! So no need to panic!" Sonia was as clueless as usual..
"Okay okay..calm down please! The pairs are, Peko and ibuki, Akane and sonia, hiyoko and mahiru, nagito and hajime, fuyuhiko and Souda, Mikan and gundham, imposter and Ryota, Nekomaru and Teruteru, and me and chiaki because we don't have an even number of students! There will be no complaints about who you were paired with! If there are any I will not hesitate to send you to the office, which is being ran by juzo for today, understand?" The class nodded, no one wants to face angry Juzo.
Nekomaru heard a few people saying they're glad they didn't get paired with Teruteru which upset him, he was never particularly close with Teruteru, but he was definitely glad to be paired with someone with at least some cooking experience. Teruteru seemed..quiet..for the first time in his life. He just poked Nekomaru's arm then pointed at the kitchen the pair was assigned to.
"AH SHIT! AHAHA HI TERU!" Nekomaru beamed before walking to the assigned kitchen. "So..uh..we're baking..is that the same as cooking? Both involve ovens and shit! You should know what's happening, because I sure as fuck don't!" Nekomaru was overly honest, and slightly offensive-
"Close but not the same. But if I do all the work you'll have to pay me back in another way~"
Picking up on teru's jokes? Not nekomaru's specialty "like money?"
"No-like..nevermind. Just grab the sugars, flour, baking soda, baking powder..." He stopped listening after baking powder. "Got that?"
Nekomaru tried finding all the right ingredients, guessing based on packaging and the look on Teruteru's face..which after several wrong guesses, wasn't too impressed.
"Get over here and give my your hand."
"I don't get why you need my hand but okay!"
Nekomaru laid his hand on the counter after a bit of guidance, Teruteru grabbed a pen of the counter and used one hand to write all the needed ingredients on nekomaru's hand, and the other to hold his arm down because Nekomaru moves too much.
"Your hands are so tiny teru! Hang on here!"
Nekomaru pressed his hand to the other male's
"Only sport you could play with those hands is golf! Probably not even that.."
"I like a different type of physical activity~"
"DO YOU MEAN SEX OR SOMETHING?!" Nekomaru was laughing too hard, so hard he ended up yelling.
"NEKOMARU NIDAI! TERUTERU HANAMURA! WHAT IS HAPPENING OVEE HERE?" Ms yukizome was absolutely not as impressed with the joke as Nekomaru.
"Shit..for once I don't mean that in a good way." Nekomaru glanced at Teruteru who looked terrified, he did not wanna deal with Juzo mad at them.
"Office. Both of you. Now." She smiled before walking back to chiaki to finish their lab.
Once the pair reached the hall, Teruteru looked at the floor before looking back up at Nekomaru
"I'm sorry if this is weird..but can we..hold hands? On the way there..seeing mr sakakure mad sounds like a nightmare.." Nekomaru had never seen Teruteru this passive.
"It's not weird! A team manager must support his team members in whatever way they need!"
Nekomaru grabbed Teruteru's hand quite harshly. But Teruteru didn't mind.
On their way to the office, two men stopped them. A man with very particular eyebrows, and a man with a strange haircut.
"Taka leave them alone.."
"No! You two are breaking the rules! Skipping class is shameful! And we are absolutely not skipping! It is our lunch period! Also! PDA is not allowed in school!"
"We aren't skipping or anything! Got sent to the office for inappropriate jokes..also it isnt PDA we aren't dating or anything.." Nekomaru did his best to explain without yelling
"INAPPROPRIATE JOKES?! DISGUSTING!" Eyebrows (taka?) ran off, but haircut stayed behind for an extra second "sorry about my boyfriend. Takes rules seriously. Good guy though. good luck in the office. Also you're dating." Eyebrow's boyfriend then ran after Taka (?) "STOP RUNNING IN THE HALLS!"
"We'll they're interesting. Also..maybe we should listen to him..like.." Nekomaru cut Teruteru off "date?"
"I mean if you want to..."
"Of course i do! Now you're my assistant manager!"
"And now I get some of that~" teru winked
"Some of what? And why did you wink..?"

Sorry if this isn't the best! I wrote this after not sleeping for a little while alsjskakw
Also after this chapter. None of my chapters will mention m*kan again..she makes me very uncomfortable. I hope y'all understand!)

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