A lovely morning

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The morning rays peeped through the sprawling white curtains of their bedroom as Shravan blinked his eyes as the bright light disturbed his sleep. As he slowly let the sleep drift off his eyes, he looked sideways to see the partially covered body of Suman lying on her back deep asleep as her breasts fell up and down with her breaths. Shravan stretched alongside her as he looked at the way she was partially sprawled on him with her long sexy legs on top of him with the covers skidding up to her milky thighs. Shravan thought about Suman's reaction when she would get up would be worth watching. Even after so many months and innumerable love making sessions, Suman still would go all shy whenever he would look at her threadbare but he had seen the hotness quotient too , the remnants of which were left in the scratches on his back when Suman had moaned his name in the throes of passion.

Suman stirred a little as the warm sun rays played a peekaboo with her sleep and she was forced to open her eyes still laden with sleep. She stretched herself and turned to the side to see Shravan looking intently at her with a lazy smile on his face. Suman loved the dishevelled-up hair and the unshaven unwashed face sometimes having the marks of her makeup or her lipstick and it made her feel very loved like today she found the lipstick marks on his shoulder where she had lovingly kissed last night. Suman stretched out her hand and ran her fingers around those marks before she let it travel to his hair as she smudged them further irritating Shravan further after all he was so possessive about it. Shravan wanted to punish his alluring woman and jumped up and caught Suman by her shoulders and pinned her down on the bed as Suman's breath hitched looking at the naked upper portion of his torso and before she could react Shravan swooped down and took her lips in a searing kiss pulling her lower lip between his teeth urging her to open up. Soon they were fightting for dominance as their tongues danced in unison tasting each other and every corner of their mouth. Suman felt the familiar wetness between her legs and the pertness of her nipples. Shravan could feel the prick on his bare chest as he swooped down to take one of the pert nipples in his mouth. Suman was about to close her eyes with the sensation that his ministrations was generating when she noticed the clock, it was already 9 am and she shrieked pushing Shravan away and trying to jump out of the bed when she realized her state of undress. She looked around in shock to see all their clothes flung around every corner of the room and blushed up a deep shade of red thinking of how wild they had been and did not even have the patience to open the clothes as she looked sadly at her undergarments which lay torn on the wooden floor. Luckily she found Shravan's shirt nearby and quickly wore it and climbed out of the bed . There was something erotic about it when she wore his clothes which she would do very often and he said aloud " Why do you wear that , I have seen you in much less than that and by now I know every inch of your body whether you wear anything or not". Soon an orange coloured cushion landed on his face and Suman shouted "shameless creature" and she rushed off to take a bath.

Shravan rolled on the bed waiting for Suman to come out and soon he was rewarded as she came out in her fresh clothes and sat on the small wooden stool against the mahagony frame with an intricately carved Belgian glass frame and started combing her wet hair. Shravan rolled himself to the edge of the bed and watched his hot and sexy wife flick her wet hair across her shoulder when some drops of water fell on him and Shravan could not resist and pulled her to himself . Suman fell on Shravan's bare chest pulling her tee down a little exposing a small hickey at the top of her cleavage which Shravan flicked his tongue out sucked a little and wanted to go down more when Suman pushed him and said "Get up and get ready. Everybody is waiting". Shravan replied "Only on one condition Mrs. Suman Malhotra , if I get to have like this wonderful mornings everyday" as he bent down and quickly kissed his beautiful wife and made a dash to the washroom before any more pillows landed on his pack leaving a red Suman smiling to herself.

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