Chapter Five - Twenty Sapphires

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My darling grandparents,

It's been three days since my last letter. I know it doesn't seem like much, but a lot of exciting things happened during this week. I'm writing on a Thursday, precisely at midnight; I just came back from an incredible Astronomy lesson. The common room is completely empty; Rowan already went to bed, so my sole company is the soothing presence of Rowena Ravenclaw.

I had two lectures of History od Magic this week. Rowan was really looking forward to it, given that our professor is a ghost. I don't remember you ever mentioning a ghost teacher, Grandpa. Was he already teaching when you and Grandma attended Hogwarts? Anyway, his lessons are very interesting, but also a little dull. His voice is so unenthusiastic that it's truly tempting to just fall asleep. However, sleeping won't bring me more knowledge, so I'm relying on very strong cups of black tea to keep myself awake.

Our flying lessons were incredible! Madam Hooch is a wonderful instructor and I'm already considering joining the Quidditch team someday. The first game of the season is within a month, so I'll be sure to watch it carefully in order to figure out the best position for me. Perhaps a keeper? I don't know.

Professor Kettleburn is our Care of Magical Creatures teacher. He has only three fingers on his left hand, because two of them were eaten by an angry Grindylow. Nevertheless, his classes are amazing. He brought a Kneazle for class and taught us all about it, making it hard to pay attention, because it was just too cute of a creature.

Our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is a witch names Bronwyn Shelley. Her first lesson was about gnomes and she made it very clear that she's terrified of teaching this subject. Apparently, the DADA teachers seem to only last a year in the post. It made me wonder, considering that everything is so magical and mysterious around here, if this position might be cursed. In Hogwarts, everything is possible.

Merula hasn't done anything to us after she bullied Rowan, but we're also trying out best to stay away from her. She seems to be often alone and to be holding a lot of grudge inside. I would like to know under which circumstances her parents were sent to prison. I'd like to know more about why she is the way that she is. Perhaps all she needs is a friend. Or not...

Ravenclaw is leading the House Cup by the points! It's so rewarding to be a part of it, specially because I'm gaining a lot of points from the teachers. I guess that all the time spent studying with Rowan is showing results.

I miss you two so much. Mum and Dad too. How's everything in Lockhart Gardens? I can't wait to see you again for Christmas. One more time, thank you so much for the watch. Is being truly useful.

Lots of love,


The end of the week arrives with a sunny promise and lots of fluffy clouds in the sky. The whole landscape looks joyful and dreamful, more than perfect to fill me with confidence to perform for the Frog Choir. I've been spending the week trying to think of the best song to sing, though Rowan hasn't been very helpful. Apparently, she liked every single song I considered and even suggested that I'd sing a medley of them. In the end, we thought of a song that just made sense for everything.

There are lots of students who signed their names to audition and, to my complete shock, Merula's name was among them. I drink a nice cup of jasmine tea during breakfast, to warm my soul and prepare my throat for singing. Rowan seems to be more excited than I am, talking nonstop about how I'll be able to perform during the school's special events.

"I'll be sending you positive thoughts, Athie," she tells me as we walk to the choir room. "You will totally be amazing. You'll see. Though I totally think you should sing an AC/DC medley."

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