Chapter Eight - Icy Conversations

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The weekend comes and goes without a sign of a duel, leaving me to wonder if Merula finally gave up on making my life miserable. She looks more tired than ever, with deep dark circles around her eyes, almost looking like bruises. I keep asking myself it it's because she cries a lot – her parents being in Azkaban and all – or due to lack of sleep, because she's planning to murder me.

We learn how to cast Wingardium Leviosa in Charms and it looks to me like a great spell to use in a duel. You know, in case Merula is truly planning to murder me. Rowan looks pretty excited about it too, and I keep wondering if she's more excited with the thought of an imminent duel than I am.

"Now, I'd like you to practice your spells in a classmate," Professor Flitwick says, and Rowan immediately looks at me with glitter in her eyes. "It's different to use it in a person than in an object. It's way harder and far more challenging. Remember, kids, that you'll need to use double the concentration. So, pair up and start practicing."

All around the room, students find their pairs. Even a few Ravenclaws pair up with some Gryffindors. Among them all, I see Ben sitting by himself, looking extremely dismayed.

"Row, do you mind pairing up with someone else?" I ask her. "I think I'll practice with Ben."

"Oh, of course," she says, tapping me on my shoulder. "Good luck."

I walk to Ben, who's staring at his wand, but when he sees me coming, he looks at me with puppy eyes. "C'mon, Ben. Let's practice."

"I'm afraid of heights," he murmurs. "That's why I'm terrible at flying."

"I won't let you fall, Ben," I say. "I promise. And you know what? Maybe, if you conquer this fear, you may ever overcome your fear of flying."

He looks at me with a hopeful expression. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so," I say, pulling him by his hand. "Now let's go."

"I think you're highly underestimating my fearfulness, Athena," he says, holding my hand tightly.

"And I think you're underestimating yourself," I say. "C'mon. You'll find that flying is nothing to be afraid of."

A soft, slightly frightful, smile appears on his lips as we find a vacant spot at the edge of the classroom, near the door. Ben looks at me with trembling lips and I notice some of our classmates, who are practicing near us, are trying to contain some giggles. I roll my eyes. I refuse to leave Ben behind just because people have no patience at all. I know he's skilful with Charms, so there's no reason for people be doubt his capacity.

"Okay, Ben," I start. "I'll cast the spell now. Try to relax, okay?"

"I-I'm not so sure about this..."

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I enunciate, and Ben immediately leaves the ground, floating gently just a few inches from the stone floor. His eyes, wide and astonished, express all his surprise. "See? You did it! You're one step closer to overcoming your fear, Ben!"

I lower my wand, making him return safely to the ground. The smile upon his lips slowly starts to fade, and I frown when I notice he's looking rather... green.

"Now I'm closer to realizing my fear of getting sick in public," he gasps, covering his mouth with his hands. "You'll have to excuse me."

He rushes to the door, opening it with one hand while the other is kept over his lips. He disappears on the corridor, his hasty footsteps getting silent as they go away. I sigh, feeling awful.

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