Hibiki Namioka an Introduction.

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I am Hibiki Namioka of The Hidden Sand Village! I strive to protect the bonds I have to those I love and ensure the safety of my village!

Whats with the hand stuff?

Oh. Im deaf so I communicate with others with sign language. I was not born deaf so I can speak and read lips! It may seem like it would stop me from being a great Ninja! But I'll prove that wrong.

Who are your parents?
I dont remember too much about them. Thier names were Mizo and Ataura Namioka. But I live with my aunty Ulari!

Oh my team! Hotaru and Kaori! Hotaru is extreamly skilled with explosives and fire style he's also a bit of a comedian. Kaori has a genjutsu type Kekki Genki. Even though shes always been kind to me she still scares me some times.


Shinki! even in the academy he was always challenging my potential. I'd hardly call it a rivalry though I swear to take him down one day.

Favorite things?

I love sweets! When you cant hear you might as well taste.

My favourite colour is surprisingly not yellow or purple as you'd guess based on my outfit. Its Jade green. Like specifically Jade Green sorta like Shinkis eyes.

Well thats it! Youll have to find out the rest for yourself! Bye!

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