Chapter 2: Bonds.

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"God I hate it when you get like that." Hbiki said holding his burnt arm. "Sorry..." Hotaru said looking down. "Its okay but you need some self-control you act like a kid in a candy store with those paper bombs." He chuckled. "Honestly you both act like kids. You cut your fingers too deep today and passed out Hbiki! Not even from blood loss from seeing your blood!" Kaori said in an annoyed tone. "it's nasty! I hate gory stuff!" he said shivering. "You're Hbiki Namioka! You're born to like blood!" "No I'm born to use blood not like it." He said defensively. "Whatever I gotta go." Kaori said putting her mask back on. "What you're not getting Miso with us?" Hotaru whined. "Busy." she said turning away. Hotaru frowned. "Shes always busy!" He groaned. "You don't even like her that much you're always butting heads." Hbiki said bemused. "Not true! She just looks out for me! We get along just fine!" He said awkwardly. "Whatever." Hbiki said. They were so sucked up into conversation that they forgot to look ahead then it happened.

Someone who must have also been caught up with something, They collided Hbiki landing right on his back the other person on top of him. "Ah! I'm sorry!" Hbiki said Looking up to meet the gaze of none other than Shinki. They froze staring at each other. "What are you guys gonna kiss? Dont forget chap st-" It was nearly instant Shinki hopped to his feet and punched Hotaru square in the face sending him to the ground. "Don't you think that was a bit much?" He asked before getting jerked to his feet. The cold heartless gaze that met his eyes made the warm glow of the street lamps feel like flames licking and burning away at his soul.

"Come with me." Shinki said pulling the dazed Hbiki away from Hotaru who lay unconscious. If he hadn't had his heart frozen over he would have turned to help his team-mate.

The way he held his hand it was firm but surprisingly he seemed somewhat gentle.
'Bad at using discretion huh? Not when it comes to dragging me down an ally.' He thought absent-mindedly.

Shinki stopped turning to face Hbiki. "Are you still hung up on the exams?" He asked the stone faced brunette looming over him.. "Sort of. But I understand why you did that." Shinki said his eyes softening. "I went too far. I just got so caught up in getting some sort of upper hand. That I forgot about how I'd loose your trust. I feel pretty bad.." Hbiki said sadness filling his gaze. "Whatever. My dad has pushed me to do this for a while, I Kept giving excuses over and over. I was trying to find you actually and just so happened to run into you, Literally." He shoved a letter into Hbiki's hands. "Give that to your aunt. I'll be waiting." Shinki said turning away and leaving.

"Waiting?" Hbiki stood there for a second watching him leave. He soon left to go find Hotaru. He helped him up and walked him home.

"Welcome home, Hungry?" A friendly voice came from the kitchen as Hbiki walked in. "No Hotaru and I had Miso." He lied. "Oh and here. I'm gonna go get some sleep, Love you." He said handing her the letter and going up the stairs to his room quickly. He threw himself onto his bed tears starting to stream. "He really hates me... I royally screwed that one up...." He didn't know why he cared so much. There was no realreason but he felt some sort of heart break.

"Hbiki? Breakfast's done." Ulari called from down stairs. A sleep riddled bed headed boy came down the stairs. "Thank you." He sat down infront of a plate of omurice which was his favourite thing his aunt made but today his mind was all caught up in a windstorm of emotions and typical teen angst to really be all that hungry. "Well I read that letter I think you'll be excited." He looked up at her with a confused look. "The Kazekage himself invited you for a sleep over with your friend Shinki! " She said with the tone of an excited 5-year-old. "Oh? When?" He said trying to not sound as utterly surprised as he was. "Tonight. I'll help you back a bag and walk over there. " She said grinning. "And go clean up before we go. My nefew will not be looking like that infront of Lord Garra!" She said sternly he nodded and slowly ate his breakfast.

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