Chapter 3. New sensations.

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The lights of the hospital room almost seemed heavenly in his sedated state. "Hbiki?" A voice came from the angelic glow. "Mama...?"
"Mama?" Ulari said looking down at him
The voice that reached his ears last was all he could hear. His mothers voice sweet as his. He remembered those final words before the world of sound was shut of forever.

'I love you and that's why I'm doing this, to protect you Hibiki.'

"All he's been doing is asking for his mama....and Shinki." She said a bitter tone in her voice though unintentional she still blamed him for the way her nefew was. He looked down at him, His eyes closed and forehead and ears wraped in bandages. She couldn't help but feel irrationally angry at Shinki.

"Can he hear me?" Ulari asked the medical tech. "Yes but not well the trauma caused alot of swelling and punctured his right ear drum." He said checking the charts. "Is he still deaf? I mean will he regain hearing fully?" She asked holding his hand gently. "Hard of hearing for sure but not totaly deaf after the wounds heal and the swelling subsides we can treat his hearing but I doubt he will have perfect hearing even when healed." He said writing down info from the machines hooked up to the semi conscious boy. The sight of him in that state made Ulari's stomach turn with a mixture of sadness and anger.

Shinki walked in holding a beautiful planted pot, a desert rose Hbiki's favorite and the flower of his clan. He looked over at him his eyes saddening once he saw the condition he was in. "He keeps asking for you..." She said not looking up from her gaze
at Hbiki. "Hbiki.. I'm so sorry..." He said placing the plant down and nealing by his side. "Sh-Shinki..."
His eyes widened. "I'm here. I'm gonna stay here with you until you get better I swear." Shinki said grabbing his hand softly. He felt Hbiki slightly squeeze his fingers. He felt so much anger twords himself how had he let his emotions take charge so easily? Why had he been so careless.

Ulari stood walking out of the room before she lost it and raged out at Shinki. "Even if it was an accident he was careless. He could have died... Those seals could have gone through his head if he hadn't turned in his sleep... " She said to her self anger continuing to bubble. A firm but kind hand placed itself on her shoulder. "I understand you're upset but it's crucial to focus on doing whats best for Hbiki." She looked up to meet the gaze of a certain stoic red head, Gaara. "Please forgive Shinki he would have never done anything to hurt him on purpose It was an accident and I will see to it myself that he receives the best care we can offer." He said compassionately, she nodded, took a deep breath and they walked back in together to see a relieving sight.

"Shinki?" Shinkis eyes moved up to meet his "Your voice sounds sweet. Not as mean as I thought it would." Hbiki said smiling. "Why would you think I sound mean?" Shinki asked his hand still on Hbiki's. "You just act mean alot so I figured your voice was mean too."
"You can't even hear me that well right now..." Shinki said a pink blush spreading across his face
He noticed Ulari and Garra. "Aunty!" Hibiki said a smile crossing his face. "Hibiki You're awake!" She said walking up to him. He nodded slightly still weak. "What happened anyway? I dont remember well." He said looking at each person in the room. His head was swimming even though he couldn't feel it he knew he was hurt.

Shinki looked into his yellow eyes they looked almost like a lost puppy's despite his smile, not knowing where to go or where he was. "Shinki had a moment of anger he went to destroy a photo on the wall and the electromagnetic force of his iron sand was strong enough to pull the seals in your ears out When it happened your Hemogan activated at full strength, much more then ever necessary it drained every bit of chakra in your body. They had to operate on your ears they were mangled..." Garra explained slowly making sure that Hibiki could understand.
His eyes widened "Hemogan? I thought you said I didn't inherit it?" his eyes turned to his aunt
"I thought you didn't your father..." His face turned sour. "Your father unlocked it when he was only 5 you're 14 I figured you had only received the blood releserelease your mother had." She said stroking his hair. He continued reading her lips but the sound of her voice though audible was nearly indecipherable as the swelling of his ears muffled the noise. The seemed like they should hurt but surprisingly they didn't.
yet "Oh. All I remeber is pain, a woosh of sound? air?" He stoped to think about that moment what had the first thing he heard was. If he had heard anything. " I'm not sure, blood filling my ears then going down my face then I saw Shinki or more like saw an outline, I could see his heart and stuff I think were veins and arteries his heart was beating a million miles an hour then I think thats when I passed out." He said trying to remeber his best.
"Thats the power of the Hemogan it gives the person in use of it the ability to see ones blood and what is contained in the blood, blood sugar, iorn levels and toxins as well as any conditions related to the circulatory system. Extreamly useful on a medical-nin squad." Konkoro spoke stepping fully into the room. "L-Lord Konkoro!" Hbiki said surprised. "How are you feeling kid?" Konkoro asked looking over at him
"Better still weak and tired for sure." He said sinking back into his pillow. "Rest then. I'll see to it that you are treated properly during your stay." Gaara paused and looked over at Ulari who stood drenched in worry. "Oh and Ms.Ulari don't worry I will makesure all cost are covered.."

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