Chapter 4: The Invitation

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"Time to get up!" Ulari shouted up the stairs. "5 more m-"
"Now!!!" She roared.
About 5 minuets later Hibiki waddled his way down the stairs rubbing his eyes sleepily.
He was wearing a cream coloured long sleeve shirt brown pants and a shall around his shoulders that was reminiscent of the outfit he often wore as a child.

"What is it? I dont have to trai-" He was cut off once again when his eyes met the gaze of 3 extra figures standing in the kitchen. "Happy Birthday!" 3 of the 4 total Said smiling at him. "Oh yeah It's my birthday isn't it...?" He said scratching the back of his neck. "Dummy of course its your birthday!" Kaori said rolling her eyes
His gaze driffted twords the brightly coloured gifts Kaori and Hotaru were holding.
"You guys didn't have to get me anything." He said steping into the kitchen to meet them. "Open mine first!" Hotaru said grinning holding out a small gift bag. Hibiki took it. "Thank you!" He said smiling aprecitivly. "Come on open it!" He reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a pair of head phones and a small device. "Huh? What's this for?" He asked looking at the small square like thing. "Its called an MP3 player!plays music! I downloaded like 100 hours of all sorts of music. You just plug the head phones in and play whatever you want." Hibiki looked at it amazed. "Sensei Keui helped me buy it for you. I figured you might wanna listen to music now that you can"
He studied it. It was a shade of jade green that reminded him of Shinki's eyes.
"It's even my favourite colour... Thank you so much!" He said gleaming with happiness. Kaori shoved a box into his hands. "Open it!" She said breaking her normally calm exterior she looked like a giggly 5 year old.
"O-Okay." He said pulling the blue wrapping paper off of it. He opened the box and in it was something made fabric wrapped in tissue paper he pulled it out setting the box on the floor. He unfolded it a long royal purple cloak much like the one he had now just newer and definitely nicer It had a desert rose embroidered on the back, the symbol of his clan. "I had my mom help make it! Its real velvet. I figured you needed a new one since yours is sorta tattered." She said smiling. "Thank you so much." He said grinning at her. "We had to drag Shinki here." Hotaru said turing his attention to the slightly annoyed brunette standing in the corner. "Happy Birthday." He said looking up at Hibiki. "Thank you!" He said giggling a little. Though no one else could tell Shinki smiled a bit to himself. "We'll see you later Hibiki. Sensei Keui wants us to meet her at 6." Kaori grabbed Hotarus hand leading him out giggling to herself slightly. "See ya!" Hibiki called after them. "Ill have the cake ready when you get back." Ulari said smiling. "What about breakfast." Hbiki whined slightly his stomach growling. "Well let's go then." Shinki said looking at Hibiki with that look the look he only gave when he wasn't being massively uptight like usual It was sort of an excited look. The only real way to tell his emotions was his eyes His eyes gave away the fact that he even had emotions to begin with.
"Okay?"Hibiki responded a confused look on his face, he set down the new cloak and put the mp3 player in his pocket. Just like Kaori, Shinki grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. But mich to his surprise he didn't let go of his hand as they started walking holding onto it like his life depended on it.
"Uh what are you doing?" Hibiki asked looking over at Shinki who had the colour of roses in his face. His hand felt clammy. "Taking you out for breakfast on your birthday?" He said sarcastically. "Why are your hands so sweaty?" Hibiki asked squeezing his hand slightly. "Are you complaining? I never hold your hand you should be glad I am." Shinki said trying to keep up his cool exterior.
"No I like it!" He's cute when he tries to be sweet. Hibiki thought to himself smiling a little. "Where are we going? Can you tell me that at least?" He asked looking up at Shinki, who was practicaly dragging him
"We're here."
"Ice cream?" Hibiki asked tilting his head. "I'm buying aren't I?" Shinki asked in a mocking tone letting go of his hand and steping in. "two Raspberry Chocolate cones please."
"Awe you remeber my favorite!" Hibiki said in sarcastically, Shinki shot him a dirty look after handing the money to the lady behind the counter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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