Movie night

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We were watching the movie when a jump scare appeared on the screen Tony screamed like a little girl and everyone started laughing

Tony: "Shut up that shits scary!"

Tayler POV:

I felt something fall on my shoulder. It was Ava she fell asleep on my shoulder. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I had a crush on her a little bit in middle school than a lot in high school but I never got the chance to tell her cause every time I tried I would either get interrupted by some girls who just want me for my look and body or I would pussy out thinking she'll say no so I just never did it.

The movie ended and Ava was still sleeping so I carried her up to her room and laid her down on the bed. Once I put the blanket over her I was about to walk away when I heard Ava speak.

Ava: "Stay and cuddle" she said in a baby voice

Of course I couldn't say no to that. We would always do this when we had sleepovers.

The Next Day

Ava's POV:

I woke up with my head on taylers chest. I looked up to see Tayler awake on his phone.

Tayler: Good morning

Ava: Morning. What time is it?

Tayler: 11:00

Ava: ok thanks Imma go shower

Tayler nodded. I went shower and did my morning routine and changed

 I went shower and did my morning routine and changed

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I just kept my hair down. I did some natural makeup and went to go wake up the girls to ask if they wanted to go to dunkin. They were all awake just need to get ready. While the girls were getting ready I decided to ask the guys if they wanted something they all told me their orders and I put them in my notes app so I don't forget.

I got my car keys and all the girls came running down.

Ava: "Hey girls"

Avani: "Hey who's car we taking?"

Ava: "Mine"

The girls nodded and Charli called shot gun. We put on some music and talked. Once we got there we ordered everyone's drinks and drove home. I saw all the guys in the living room just talking but suddenly stopped when we came in which was weird but I just let it slide.

Ava: "Hey here's ur drinks" I said putting it on the table

The guys thanked us and I saw Griffin in the kitchen making pancakes. It was normal cause he's like the chef kinda. We all sat at the dinner table ate and talked about what we were gonna do today. I noticed Tayler wasn't talking much and kinda staring off to outer space but i just let him be.

Tayler POV:

Once Ava and the girls left I went down stairs to the living room and I saw all the boys. I decided to talk to them.

Tayler: " Hey guys can we talk?"

Jaden: "Uhhhh sure you ok man?"

Tayler: "Not really."

Bryce: "What's up?"

Noah: "You know you can talk to us right?"

Tayler: " Yeah I know it's just that I like someone but i don't think she likes me back so recently I started talking to this girl named Sommer ray."

Blake: "Who's the girl you like?"

Tayler: "Ava. I've liked her in middle school a little but then I started catching stronger feelings in highschool I just never asked her out cause I was afraid."

Ondreaz Pov:

I was mad when he said Ava's name and I could tell Tony was too because we were the overprotective brother's but I didn't want to make a scene because the girls could be here any minute.

Tayler POV:

Tayler: "So I'm taking Sommer on a date tonight to get to know her better."

Josh: "Woah Buddy but don't you still like Ava that'll kinda mess with Sommer's feelings."

Tayler: "Yeah but I have to get my mind off Ava cause she doesn't like me back."

Bryce: "you don't know that. she probably just is too afraid to say it just like you."

Tony: "Dude don't assume Ava doesn't like you back you'll just break her heart when you start dating Sommer just because ur stupid ass when straight to assuming things." 

I could tell Tony was getting mad but I didn't want to make a scene so I just kept calm.

Tayler: "Sorry but I'm still gonna take Sommer out."

Tony: "Fine whatever! But just rememb-"

All the girls walked in so all of us shut up.

Ava POV:

Avani: "So what should we do today?"

Bryce: "Hype house is having a party we could go there."

Ava: "Sure that'll be fun everyone up for it?"

Tayler: "Uhh sorry I have a date tonight I can't go."

Ava: "oh..ok"

I was kinda disappointed that Tayler said that cause now I know for sure he doesn't like me.

Ava: "um..girls wanna go shopping for a outfit for the party?"

Girls: "OMG YESSS!!!"

Josh: "Can't you guys scream I little quieter???!!"

Mads: "Ugh shut up you guys are louder when gaming."

Everyone laughed. The guys went home to change and the girls all went to the mall.

My best friend Tayler HolderWhere stories live. Discover now