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As soon as she is unconscious, he gets to work. Quickly untying her, her removers her from the chair and places it on the floor. He grabs duct tape from one of the packs and unwinds it, taping a large portion over her mouth. Removing her blouse, he throws it aside and ties her hands up again. They’re starting to show rope marks. When he is done, he stands up and studies his handiwork.

She looks so peaceful. If he forgets what she did, he might think she is the nicest person in the world, in capable of hurting anyone. The little girl who helped relieve his stress.

Now, she is the cause of it. His hate for her has consumed him and it’s the only thing he thinks about. Even in his sleep, she plagues him. Recently he had a sweet dream involving happier times with Emma. He woke up feeling so agitated as it felt like a nightmare. Emma was the type of person who can give someone a sweet smile while seething on the inside. Her face is angelic, hair darker than midnight.

He grabs one of the paper bags and pulls out a plate of food, setting himself on a sack, he gobbles it.

An hour later as he is scrolling through Facebook seeing his ex-colleagues on business trips, having lunch with their wives, partners and business dinners. Angry, he watches as she stirs.

Something stirs in him. He smiles, thinking of how he’ll enjoy punishing her for ruining his life.

Ruin The Boyfriend: A Short Story ✓Where stories live. Discover now