three "Mrs. Jeon"

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"Young master Jeongguk, your parents are waiting for you at the dining area. " A Mrs. Peterson in hurry said, opening Jeongguk's room door wide open.

"Yes, yes a minute please! " a nine-years-old Jeongguk say behind his large mirror, fixing his perfectly ironed light blue shirt. He looked at himself one last time, biting his bottom lip, a shy unconscious blush creeping on his cheeks at his thoughts.

'I hope I look good enough for Tae... I wonder what he looks like in those Parisian clothes. '

He then turned around, finally leaving his chambers, his governess closing the door behind him, then leading the way down the hall.

They called the elevator, and waited for it to reach their level in silence. And just like that, the two iron doors opened, revealing the person Jeongguk was the most eager to see.

"Hi mister KIM ! " Jeongguk greeted the man holding hands with his best friend.

He smiled politely when the man, Taehyung's dad answered with formal greetings and a small smile.

That smile turned into a shy one when his gaze met Taehyung's.

He was wearing a black short skirt with a white, thick button up and dark blue beret on top of his wavy black hair.

A blush crept on his cheeks too when he noticed Jeongguk staring at him.

Taehyung squirmed, squeezing his father hand with both of his, whining. "Ggukie... "

"Y-you look so pretty, Tae... " Jeongguk blurted out, finally entering the iron cabin, followed by a scoffing Mrs. Peterson.

"Thank- thank you Ggukie. You look really pretty too. "Taehyung said, slowly unlatching one hand off his father's. Just to intertwine his pinky with Jeongguk's as him and Mrs Peterson entered the elevator.

All of it under the amused gaze of Kim HiSeul.

A 'ding' reasoned when they reached the last floor. Only to be welcomed with people running around, the air seeming thick in the prestigious hallway.

And Jeongguk smile fell. He saw Mrs Peterson and Taehyung's father rushing out of the elevator in slow motion. together, they took tiny steps out of the elevator,hands in hands tightly and discovered a whole different view from what they excepted to see when coming down.

there were supposed to be people, family eating their breakfast and enjoying the summer sun of Paris while sipping typical french coffee. But instead, the two kids were welcomed by the blinding sight of the blue and red flashing lights of an ambulance, from where four men hurried their way out, a stretcher in their hands.

"tae..." the kid mumbled, gasping when he saw his father carrying his mother like a bride, her body limp spasming with waves a brutal coughing. His white expensive shirt was getting dirtier with stains of blood, but he couldn't care less, his wife was on a critical time.

It's only when the paramedics finally laid her on the stretcher, that some of the men of Jeongguk's father hurried their way towards the two frightened kids and leaded them away, praying that they didn't understand anything.

It was the night of that awful day, that little Taehyung found himself eavesdropping a conversation between his father and Jeongguk's : Jeon Sora was sick, she had acute myeloid leukemia, and she was going to die.

Or at least that's what Taehyung thought. Walking in silently in the marble hallways, Taehyung couldn't shake the confusion off himself. Plus, he was feeling extremely uneasy with Jeongguk walking by his side, with that same faint smile.

Gosh how did he grow so tall ?

Neither of them were talking, creating a tense atmosphere. It's only when Jeongguk stopped dead in his track in front of a wooden door that Taehyung understood that they reached the Mrs Jeon's room. Jeon Sora has been the only maternal figure Taehyung ever had, as his biological mother unfortunately died while giving birth to him.

So to hear that she was, alive, breathing and asking for him was creating a feeling, a positive one, something he hasn't been familiar with for this past few years.

He didn't even notice that his hands started to shake, but Jeongguk did, and slowly, almost naturally he slipped his now larger hand in Taehyung cold one, making him tense, and look silently at him with a confused gaze in his feline eyes.

But Jeongguk didn't look back at him, and instead laced their fingers together and opened the door. What surprised Taehyung the most was himself, when he gripped the ravenette's hand back.

Well shit, they were sparking back a flame that shouldn't have in the first place. And they were all going to get burn.

Another one pipipimmpimpimm ( I'm nora Khaled)

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