Chapter 1

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"Have you got your things packed?" Mom asked in her thick British accent as she poked her head into my bedroom.

"I should have enough clothes," I brushed my hair back out of my face. "You said to how many pairs of clothes?

"Five at the least. There have been times where the matched have lasted even longer than five days. If it does go longer than expected, then I will buy you clothes from a souvenir vendor."

"Awesome. I can add it to my collection," I waved my hand over towards the Quidditch posters of Ireland and the Holyhead Harpies.

"It is very impressive. To think that you didn't even know what Quidditch was before your first year and now you play amazingly at school."

"Bulgaria will get wiped out on the field by Aidan Lynch. He's quick," I shoved one of my favourite hoodies that I had gotten from a strip mall when we visited Dad's family back in America into my duffle bag. 

"How dare you disgrace Krum that way!" Dad's always smiling face popped up behind Mom's shoulder. "I've heard he's the best, er... what is his position called again?"

I heaved my overstuffed bag onto my shoulder. "Seeker."

He threw his hands up into the air. "I never seem to remember that one."

Mom patted his shoulder gently. "I appreciate you trying to learn the wizarding culture, dear, but you can not root for Bulgaria."

"Why can't I?"

"Because you are doing it just in spite of my poor heart," Mom raised a hand to her chest but we both catch the competitive glint in her eye. "Ireland will win."

Dad winked at me as I drop my bag beside my doorway. "I think I'll take my chances."

"Utter rubbish. You will not be getting any condolences from me when they lose."

Dad dropped down onto his knees with comedic force. "Amelia forgive me. You'll not see a tear from my eyes because Bulgaria will win."

Mom rolled her eyes and walked back out of my room. "We are leaving early in the morning so you best be off to bed y/n. And you too Noah!"

Dad stood back up and brushed the front of his jeans off. "Do you reckon I made her mad enough yet?"

"I'd say you have a death wish. I'm going to have to side with Mom on this one; Ireland is going to be the World Cup Champions this year." I flopped onto my bed and Dad joined me. I get thrown up into the air as his weight came crashing down.

"This is what you guys aren't understanding: I read the Daily Prophet and this Skeeter woman wrote that Krum is the youngest and best Quidditch player they have seen in years. If they give him so much credit, why shouldn't he win?"

"Have you seen pictures of him? He has the meanest face I have ever seen."

"You're just jealous because you wish you were in his spot, slugger," he nudged an elbow into my side. "I personally think you are an amazing... what was it again?"


"Chaser! I knew that."

"Why are you reading the Daily Prophet? Mom told you to stop because most of its content is full of garbage.."

"But they always have the best dessert recipes on the back page," Dad grinned. "I tried to make those Pumpkin Pasties you told me about, and they were pretty good if I do say so myself."

I grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the stomach. "You should probably lay off of the Pumpkin Pasties."

"Hey!" He snatched the pillow from me and hits me back. "I can't help it if the stomach craves what it wants to crave."

I grabbed another pillow up and we wailed on each other until Mom yelled at us to stop. Dad ruffled my already messed up hair from when he had hit me upside the head.

"You mom is right. We gotta settle down. Get some sleep kiddo. We've got a big day tomorrow."

Dad shut my door and I pulled my pj's out of my dresser. As I reached for my shorts, something bright red drips onto my hand. I look up and see a stream of blood trickle it's way down. I jump back as it pools at my feet. Mom's head dropped from the top shelf in the dresser and rolled towards me.I grab my wand off the side of my bed.

"Riddikulus!" The sound of a whip cracks into the air and the blood dries up to become snow floating down into a pile while Mom's decapitated head becomes a snowman's. The snow disappeared as the boggart ran away to go find it's next haunt.

"That's the third time this month," I muttered but silently thank Mr. Lupin for teaching us that spell last year. He was the only Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher I ever had that really taught me something. Assuming the worst, Hogwarts will have another phoney, useless teacher this year. There seemed to be a streak of Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers never staying round for more than a year. At least, I always had fun in there either making fun of the teachers so learning about a new monster.

Aidan Lynch whizzed across my wall through the posters and dove out of sight. I smiled as I think about watching the biggest event of the year and seeing my friends from Hogwarts there. We are going to meet up with the Weasley's and Diggory's tomorrow at the Portkey that will take us to the Quidditch World Cup stadium. I have never gone through a portkey and am excited to see magic in action.

I had grown up as a muggle in America, but when I became eight odd things started happening: toys would fly back to me when Mom took them away or the neighborhood bully would stand frozen in place as they went for the next punch. Mom found out and explained that I was a witch and got it from her side of the family. 

She was a witch as well but had to hide her powers once she moved to America, because it was more dangerous to be one there than in England. Ever since the Salem Witch Trials, we try to keep it on the down-low. The British seemed to ignore things more often than Americans did. Ilvermorny was not even an option to Mom. Once I turned eleven, we moved to Devon, England where she had grown up so that I could go to Hogwarts just like she had. I had adapted quickly to the wizarding life to the surprise of my parents. In my child mind, the Wizarding World was awesome. Dad has had a hard time understanding everything but has put as much enthusiasm as he can into it. As Mom had said, in a way, he had a child-like mind too. Dad and I were already close but grew together as we experienced so many new things together. Not just in the Wizarding World but in a new country as well. Hogwarts soon became my new home as well as a place to meet people like me.

I could still hear McGonagall's voice call my name as I stood shaking like a leaf in the Great Hall. In a bundle of nerves, I had run up there too fast and knocked over the stool. Two red-headed boys from my year had let out a howl of laughter but stopped as soon as McGonagall shot a look at them. She set the hat on top of my head and I heard it argue with itself in my ear. It couldn't decide whether I belonged in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. In the end, it decided that I belonged in Hufflepuff. Their table had exploded with cheers, and I joined them with a giant grin on my face. The table grew even more rowdy as a handsome boy right after me, Cedric Diggory, joined the house as well. He sat down right beside me and we ended up chatting for the whole entire dinner. My first year flew by quickly as I grew to enjoy the company of the two red-headed boys, Fred and George. The twins, Lee Jordan, and I would constantly get into trouble with Filch. Most of the Hufflepuffs resented me hanging out with the rowdy Gryffindor boys but Cedric never minded. In fact, he would sit with me late into the night in the kitchens eating Treacle Tart as I told him of my latest adventures. He was the one that had also convinced me to join the Quidditch team. I was very hesitant at first but grew to love the sport. I became good friends with my teammates Herbert Fleet (Keeper) who was a few years younger than me and Eurig Cadwallader (a fellow Chaser) who was in my year.

Thinking of Quidditch, I laid down into my bed and drift off into a dream imagining the Quidditch World Cup stadium as I rode in on my broom and the crowd cheered for me. I threw the Quaffle into Bulgaria's middle hoop just as Aidan Lynch caught the Snitch. I smiled as the crowd chanted my name.

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