Chapter 7

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"Dad?" He looked up at me with a downcast look. "Viktor and I are going to go get your kettle. Can you stay here and help the Roberts?"

Shakily, he stood back up. "You can count on me, slugger."

We left him with Mr. Roberts who was pointing furiously in our direction. One of the kids was crying in their mom's lap. She seemed very shaken up but was trying to be brave for her children.

"Did he call you a slug?" Krum raised one of his thick eyebrows at me.


"Vhat does that mean?"

"It's a baseball term. I played softball as a kid and he's called me that ever since," I looked around for the kettle.

"Vhat is baseball?"

"It's a Muggle sport. In America." I kicked a Ireland action figure out of the way as it ran around in circles, panicked.

"You are from America?" He looked at me, but I avoided his gaze. Now that Dad was saved, I felt embarrassed for asking for a celebrity's help. He probably thought I was weird since I still looked like a mess.

"Yes. Well, I was. Grew up there and then moved to England when we found out I was a witch. My mom is a witch as well."

"So you are a half-blood."

It was not a question. It was a statement that he knew and could use against me at any point. I mentally kicked myself for saying anything. I waited for a degrading comment of my blood status but it never came. I glanced over at him now studying my face. His serious dark eyes made him seem older than eighteen. My cheeks heated up and I went back to looking for the stupid kettle.

"I thought Death Eaters had disbanded years ago."


"The men attacking your father. They are called Death Eaters. The image that vas in the air vas the Dark Mark. They vorked for Voldemort."

I gave him a wide-eyed look at the name. I didn't know anyone who said it except for Harry. "I thought he was dead."

"He is. Or is believed to be." Krum messed with his wand. "Your Ministry vill have to use the Memory Charm on the Muggles. Might even have to do it on your father as vell."

"I won't let them do that. He wouldn't tell Muggles about Wizarding World. He loves it." I huffed sifting through a pile of rubbish.

Krum's voice grew quieter. "Sometimes the Memory Charm is for more than just protecting the Wizarding World. It can be used to protect yourself from you."

I threw down someone's missing shoe. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You father could have some mental repercussions from this night. He might vant to forget vhat happened."

"You don't have the right to decide what happens to my dad." I stood up and glared at him.

He looked away. "Neither do you."

Letting out a huff of air, I shoved past him. Krum followed behind me silently watching for anyone who still might be out. I shuddered at the thought of Death Eaters still lingering, watching our every move.

A clearing emerged from the tents and a spigot sat in the middle. Running over, I found the kettle that Dad had dropped. It was still perfectly fine except for the mud now on it.

Krum surveyed the area. "I vill get you back to your father, and then I must return to my tent."

Looking at his face, he looked tired. I don't know why he would try to help me when he has two black eyes. His head is probably pounding and just wants to go to bed.

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