Chapter 8

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Mr. Weasley came into our tent after only a few hours of sleep. Everything ached as I rolled out of the bunk bed. As my hands pushed off the sheets, I hissed as they burned. Everything rushed back to me as I studied the scratches and blood flecks across my palms. My cheek throbbed.

Ginny hopped down from the top bunk. "Why didn't you say anything earlier? Your cheek is red. Let's hope it is not infected. Come on, Dad or Charlie can use a Charm for it."

Embarrassed for having to interrupt packing the tents, I protested on the way out.

"Don't worry. Charlie has to do it all the time since he works with dragons." She interrupted Charlie as he was packing his bag. "Can you heal y/n's cuts?"

Charlie looked at them closely before deciding what to do. "You will feel a dramatic change in temperature. Are you ready?"

I nodded and he pointed his wand at my face. "Episkey."

My cheek immediately started burning and then started freezing. I brushed my fingers across my cheek to find nothing there.

"Hold out your hands." I did as he said. "Episkey."

My hands had the same temperature change as my cheek. Amazed, I watched as the skin knitted itself back together.

Charlie brushed his hand against mine to make sure everything was back to normal. "Should be good. Are there any other irritated areas?"

"No there isn't. Thank you."

He gave me a kind smile. "Anytime."

Mr. Weasley walked into the tent. "Right. Y/n, you should probably get your parents so that we can leave in the same Portkey. There will probably be a line waiting to leave so we will have to hurry. I will get us a spot in line and you can meet us there."

Thanking Ginny and Charlie once more, I head out into the familiar misty morning. A difference from yesterday was that the air smelled like wet ashes as the mist clung to the burnt tents. Another was that many families were anxious to get out of here. Tents were dropped like flies as I passed by each one. Most still had bedhead hair and dressed in their pj's. I find Mom packing up our own tent with magic. Dad was furiously watching her.

"Why can't we get a refund on our tickets? We paid for a Quidditch match and never even watched it."

Mom looked as if she had been having this conversation all night. "We will just have to wait and see, Noah. Many people will probably want refunds. It will take the Ministry to process it all."

"I don't want results later. I want them now," he thrusted his arms towards the ground.

The tent rolled itself back into it's pack."Please, let's discuss this later. I assume the Weasleys are waiting for us."

"They are," I picked up my duffle bag that was laying by our sign. "Mr. Weasley said he will hold a spot for us in line."

"Excellent," Mom grabbed the pack holding the tent and her personal bag. "Time to go home."

Dad muttered about how terribly the Ministry was handling things around here as we made it to the Portkeys. We walked past the Roberts cabin to find him standing outside waving people away saying "Merry Christmas."

"What did they do to him?" I watched as he dazedly waved at us.

"Just be glad that it wasn't your father. Mr. Roberts had his memory wiped too many times yesterday. He should be fine after a while. He will be confused for a few days." Mom whispered.

When we reached the Portkeys, a large crowd was standing around Basil. Many shoved and yelled, frightened to stay any longer than necessary.

"Amelia! Over here!" Mr. Weasley and waved us over. "I already talked to Basil. He has a tire prepared for us."

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