Chapter 12

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Viktor was sullen once again as we watched him and the rest of the Durmstrangs enter the Great Hall. He had what I could only assume was a game face like the one I get when I play Quidditch. Many looked intimidated as he held his head up high and stared straight ahead but I had a feeling that he was preparing himself for the champion results. We joined the trio as they followed in behind the Durmstrangs. The boys broke off from us to chat about the Beauxbaton girls. Ron suspected the blonde girl that had walked past Cedric and I was part veela. Hermione and I could have cared less.

"Where have you guys been?" I asked her.

"Visiting Hagrid. Don't tell anyone but he has a bit of a thing for Madame Maxime."

"I hope it works out for him. She is rather pretty, and he needs someone other than creatures to keep him company."

"I agree." She said. "Did you hear that Angelina put her name in for the Tournament?"

"No I didn't." It was a horrible thought, but I hoped that she would be picked instead of Cedric for the Hogwarts champion.

Like always, the Halloween feast was beautiful with floating jack-o-lanterns and other decorations. The Goblet of Fire sat at the front of the room. Nevertheless, it felt like it was dragging on unbearably slow. Cedric's friends had insisted that he joined them this time so I was alone once again. I picked at my food for an excuse to fidget while my leg bounced up and down uncontrollably underneath the table. I wasn't the only one, however, as I caught other students peering to see when Dumbledore would be finished so we could know who the champions were. Finally, the plates were cleared and Dumbledore stood up. Bagman tried to catch as many students' eyes as he could from his spot at the table. He preened and smiled while Crouch sulked beside him.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber,"  he indicated the door behind the staff table, "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

He waved his wand and all light was extinguished except from the pumpkins and Goblet of Fire. An electric energy crackled around the room. The Goblet's blue flames formed dancing shapes along the walls. It only grew brighter and brighter until it hurt to look at it. Red flames shot out of it. The students in the front dodged as sparks flew. A specific tongue of flame shot out to regurgitate a burnt piece of parchment.

Dumbledore caught it swiftly. "The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."

The hall erupted into cheers as he stood from the Slytherin table. I was not surprised but still disliked that idea of placing himself in danger. What was I talking about? He plays Quidditch professionally. That should be more than enough danger. Krum kept a straight, stoic, face as Slytherins and Durmstrangs reached out to touch him as he passed. Karkaroff bellowed loudly in celebration. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic gestures. I wouldn't be surprised if he got on his knees and kissed Krum's shoes. Krum disappeared from my view into the chamber behind the staff table.

The cheers died down, and as if the Goblet sensed it, shot out another piece of paper.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"

The blonde girl who Ron thought was a veela strutted up to the front. I wished I could have a bit of her confidence as she shook her hair and moved gracefully. The other Beauxbatons were not cheering for their fellow classmate. They were actually mad and upset that the Goblet had not chosen them instead.

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