Chapter 23

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The wind was biting and rude as it whipped around me. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the night sky and torchlight. What really caught my eye was the fairies that had been conjured into the grotto. The twinkled over my head, in the rosebushes, and around the Father Christmas statue. The Durmstrang ship was in the distance stuck in the ice of the lake glittering with light Christmas lights of their own. The Durmstrang students were lined up in a tight formation in front of the doors of Hogwarts. I was expecting them to be acting silly and having fun like they were at the first task, but they all had stoic expressions. I realized that it was because Karkaroff was circling them like a vulture.

"Tuck in your shirt." He yanked on one of the boys' shirts that was hanging out from under his red fur jacket and cape. "We are to look and act presentable. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Headmaster." The group chorused back to him.

Karkaroff turned on his heel to go back to the front of the line and spotted me from my spot in the shadows. "What do you want, girl?"

My voice was shaky as everyone looked at me. "I'm Viktor's date."

"Is that so?" Karkaroff gave me a disgusting smile. His teeth were brown and rotting. I turned my head away from his breath as he wrapped an arm around me and led me to the front of the group. "At least he chose a pretty one."

I was relieved to find Viktor's head trying to peer around the others. His face lit up as he got a full look at me.

"You are so beautiful." Viktor took me from Karkaroff's grasp.

"Thank you." I glared at Karkaroff's long fingers trailed over my shoulder, and it took all of my patience not to hit his hand away. He had many rings on his fingers, but the most menacing thing was a metal pinky ring that was pointed at the top like a claw. He traced it across my collar bone before walking away.

Viktor glared after him. "He is getting on my last nerve."

I shuddered. "He needs to keep his hands to himself." 

I tried to divert my attention towards Viktor. He looked extremely handsome in his Durmstrang formal wear. All of the other male students were wearing the same thing, but Viktor seemed to be the only one who could truly pull it off. He offered me his arm and showed me where to place my hand on top of his.

He leaned over and whispered to me as he saw my nervous face. "Karkaroff is trying to make an impression on the other schools. Don't vorry, vhen ve get to dance, then he vill not care and leave us all alone."

I gave him a thankful smile, but his words did not help. I could hear the halls flooding with students' cries and conversations as they filed into the Great Hall which only made me more nervous. Karkaroff nodded to two of his students to signal that it was time. They each grabbed the door knobs and yanked them open. Viktor took a deep breath and marched us into the foyer. All eyes turned to watch as Durmstrang moved solidly as a unit. I caught looks of jealousy, surprise, and just like Viktor had said would be intimidation. I tried to hold my head high as I remembered Hermione and Ginny's words of encouragement. I could do this.

"Champions over here, please!" Luckily, McGonagall called us over before I had to talk to anyone.

She lined us up along the wall as we waited for all of the students to file into the Great Hall. The doors were closed once more so that we could be announced.

"Hi, y/n." Cho greeted us. Cedric gave me a small smile, and I could tell that he had read the Daily Prophet as well.

McGonagall lined us up with Roger and Fleur in front, next Viktor and I, then Cedric and Cho, and finally Harry and Parvati. Parvati shuffled around and made a bunch of noise as she fussed over her robes and bangles. She stopped when Fleur leaned around us and shot her a look to stand still.

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