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As you get older and older, time and assignment management becomes more and more important. You start taking on more courses, more extracurriculars, and in some cases, you move into college. Things start to get more stressful as you "level up" in grades as well. Assignments get harder, longer, and more important. So how do you organize everything? Well, here are a few tips for you.

- Make a to-do list. And I don't just mean to write down everything you have to do. List everything you have to do, how long it will take to do everything, and the specific steps in each task. This will help you get a good sense of exactly what you'll need to do and how to get through it all.

- Find a partner. Finding a partner to keep you on task is a great way to stay on-task and on-time, plus, it's a win-win for both of you because you both get someone to remind you! And not only can they remind you to do your work, they can also help you do your work!

- Use a screen time app (or an alarm clock). I know, I know, you all are just going to skip over this paragraph because you've heard it a million times but seriously, a screen time app/site-blocking app or an alarm clock/timer work wonders! I personally use a clock but I know lots of people like the app "Forest" to keep from getting distracted.

- Color code. This isn't just for your notebooks, it's for your planner as well! Color-coding different events has proved to be a huge help in my life. Some categories for color-coding might be "homework", "extracurriculars", "sports and clubs", etc.

- Study hall. If your school has this option during lunch, you should definitely go, maybe not every day, but at least once in a while, especially if you're feeling more stressed than usual. I don't go to my school's study hall as much because our library is open during lunch as well (after you're done eating), but when I need to finish a project on my laptop, I will head over to study hall and let me tell you, I get a whole lot more done than with people buzzing around me constantly.

So those are my tips for time-management and assignment-management during school. I hope they helped you! If you have any more, feel free to leave them down in the comments!

~ Josephine || writesthetic

sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ & ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora