Pencil Case Essentials

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You might know how to color code, but chances are you've gone to class more than once only to find that you don't have your favorite highlighter or that black pen that your teacher won't take points off for in your pencil case. That is why, my friends, you should use a (check)list, like the one below (the italicized ones are only necessary for math class)!

- Two black pens (one for backup)

- A blue or red pen

- At least three different colors of highlighters

- At least two #2 pencils (for tests, so not mechanical)

- An eraser (or rubber, whatever you call it)

- Liquid paper (or whiteout or correction fluid whatever you prefer to call it)

- A ruler

- A protractor

- A compass (with pencil)

- A calculator

So that was a really short list, but remember, those are just the essentials. Below, I've listed some more extras of what you might want to have with you:

- Stickies

- Sharpies

- A mechanical pencil (and lead, if so)

- Some colored pencils or markers (for projects, etc.)

- A bookmark (or two or ten)

- Erasable pens (Frixion is a great brand)

- Lip balm (trust me)

And that's about it! I hope these helped you get a good sense of what you might want in your pencil case!

- Josephine || writesthetic

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