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Would dedicate this chapter to

@gunavathitamilmagal, @kannammakathal, @780priya, @mavisalinda, @Karamaaaaaa, @hahajaja02, @Janu2006, @SudhaTammana, @SujathaValiveti, @SandyAshok0, @HCardinal, @vgshah12 @swaron123, @hearty_sweetygirl, @payshah, @KalpnaBindal

Thank you all for your continuous votes and support for GEETIKA. 🙏🤗


Splitting this part into 2. Posting the first part now. I didn't check on edits, spellings and grammar. Will check on it one by one


Part 30 A

Maan wakes up after some time...he checks the Electrical Power is back and its 2:00 PM...but its still raining and there is no news from the security guy with the traffic update.

He turns to look at Geet...she is sitting on the sofa and was already in a deep sleep finding it difficult to sleep in a sitting posture.

Maan goes to her...sits near her. Geet is deep in her sleep and holds Maan's shoulder for Balance. Her hands were chill due to AC.

He removes his shirt and covers her with it so that she doesn't feel cold. Maan adjusts into a position next to her...keeping a small sofa cushion pillow under his head and falls asleep.

keeping a small sofa cushion pillow under his head and falls asleep

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Its 9:30 in the morning. Maan wakes up first and finds Geet still Asleep balancing her head on his shoulder. He happens to glance at her for a while as she was glowing with the brightness of the morning touching her skin.

He slowly takes her head off his shoulder takes his shirt and wears it before she happens to wake up.

Geet wakes up next and is surprised to see its a bright morning and still they are in office.

G: Oh no...sir...I slept here itself...that security did not inform us at all.😵

M: No worries go home refresh and come back to office. I need to stay back here till Mr. Ravi is here to collect the drawings and report.

She nods for a yes..but all confusions written over her face. She is taking her mobile to check for the time and its been switched off. And then she checks on the wall clock and shocked to see the time and now, she hurriedly makes her way out as Pinky and Meera must be worried for her.

Back to the office floor...Aadi checks the clock timing and really confused. His boss has not yet reached office...he is sure there is no meetings coordinated out of office today. Meantime Aadi paases by the reception area and Pinky happens to stop him. She has a pack of chips in her hand and she is munching in a hurry..this was enough for Aadi to understand Pinky's stressful condition.

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