Shrek Joins The Hype House?!1?!

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Shreks POV:
Chile..I am NOT having immaculate vibes today.  James just HAD to be a backstabbing little biotch and hit up Fiona. My reputation that was already barely there is gonna be torn apart if this one will listen to me because without James i'm a nobody..I don't fit 💔 I don't WANNA fit in 🤓😎 but..I can't let them win this..I can't be cancelled by a youtuber.
I began my new plan..operation clout king.
I needed a new celebrity to hang out with and use for fame </3 It'll be fairly easy to get them to post and hang with me, I mean with James starting this I just need to find one who will post me enough so that I can use a fake online persona like most influencers and get everyone to love me.
But who to choose...maybe Jeffrey Star for another beauty guru? Nope, he's currently being cancelled as he should. David Dobrik? He's losing fame except for his same group of fans and he'll probably be cancelled soon since a video of him saying the N word is finally going around. Although I could get a tesla from him..i'll keep him on the maybe list.
WAIT I KNOW! I'll join the hype house! They have hype! And even though majority of the members are problematic and deserve to be cancelled, they won't! Pretty privilege tingz!
And now I begin Phase 2 of my plan..slide into the DMs 😼
~And back to Insta I go~
To Chase Hudson: Lil Huddy..oh mr huddy..🅱️lease let me join your hype house. I promise, if I back it up it is fat enough!!
To ShrexxyBoy42069: lmao yuh bruh okay. i'll drop the addy. come over whenever. you can have a room nd everything. hahahaaha.
Woah! It worked like a charm!! Now I begin the third and final part to my operation..clout king ;)
I go to the hype house and begin to film with these people. In mere minutes of being posted with them, ive gained millions of followers! I even got my own welcome to the hype house post on the gram! They said I have to use cool lingo like that..lingo is also frowned upon now.
I see that James has began stalking my stories and posts and things associated with me..the drama channels have already begun chanting my name!
In the words of queen Nicki Minaj..he love this fat ass ahahjaahshahahah..and that's exactly the fans right now!
They like me because of my cake..or in their words "whole ass bakery goddamn" or "imma beat to this later" I don't even need to say anything!! The influencer life is great! If anything i'm happy James has tried to fuck my reputation up, because the hype house..deserves the hype 😎

James POV: AHHHHHH! I'm sCrEaMiNg! I can't believe can I compare to the hype house 🤧😿 I know what I must do..
~Insta Tings~
To Charli And Dixie
Hey girlies!! Come over i'll do y'alls makeup!
The girlies™️:lol okay
I did it! I filmed and edited and posted a video within a day of beginning the process! Now I know how those people on revenge body must feel.
I better becoming relevant again soon..because otherwise I listened to "blue eyes,.,.sometimes I don't wanna bE happy 💔 don't hold it against me 🤪"
for HOURS, for nothing :(( i'd be doing it...for what :{{{{

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