Love Story Better Than Twilight (or maybe just more dramatic)

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Shrek POV:
You know, i've been thinking about my life's a lot like a drama soap opera. Or like twilight. I think. I wouldn't know, i've never read twilight because I cant read. All I know is eat hot chip, lie, twerk, and be bisexual. I mean there's my long history with my first love Barry B Benson who was murdered by my latest lover, that one night with Sonic when we went to comic con, my year long endeavor with Reptar from RugRats, the summer with spongebob AND patrick, and many many more. There's also Fiona who i'm now friends with since her intervention and going to the farm to handle her addictions.  And of course....
Oh James. My James. James Charles. Charles James. James. James. I miss him. I truly do. But I'm a god in the eyes of drama channels. And he could rule along side me...but...I can't make the first move. What if i'm rejected? And maybe I have commitment issues. Or maybe I don't wanna settle down. But there's no maybe about how much I want him :,(
And even if I got past the possibility of rejection what would the hype house think? Will I be kicked out?
God I can't do this..and I can't even hit up Charli to vape with me since she collabed with James. Everything reminds me of him. He's my angle and my devil...I need him back.
Shrexxboy666 to James Charles ™️

James..our love is toxic.  But as Britney Spears (free Britney btw) has said.."you're toxic BADADADADA and i'm slippin under".  Look, what i'm trying to tell you is, I can't live without you.  You're the one that I want.  You've been on my mind for days.  You live in my head rent free.  And I want you to live in my swamp rent free too.  Move in with me.  Please.  Come over please my love.  I want to talk this out face to face.  I love you. 


Now to wait for a response..while I wait i'll do the WAP dance and make some POVs.

But before I do this, i'll clean up my room a bit and change my LEDs to green for my aesthetic.  I do this all and when I check my phone again I see

James Charles is typing...

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