¤ chapter 1 ¤ Finland summer home

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I'm tired.

I'm tired of pretending I'm fine, I'm tired of saying I'm fine I'm TIRED OF THIS life..

Why can't I live like a normal person? Island, Sweden, Norway, Greenland. I miss them.

I'm on a trip to a cold place, I even don't know the name of it but I still decided to pack my bags and just go wherever my brain and legs would take me. I miss the Nordics, well almost all of them. Sweden is still weird, Ikea boy who likes YouTube and making others mad way too much. This just sounds off. I sound off. The taxi stopped on top of a windy mountain with only one little house on the view distance.
"Alright we're here, this will be 25€ (euros)?" That took me out of my daydreaming trance, and I quickly took my hand from supporting my head on the window and looked in my pockets, muttering a quick
"Yes right, hold on-" until I found the money bills I was looking for with some extra change.
"No need to pay back, sorry that you had to come to this place." He smiled at me.

"No problem, I have been driving people to worse places than this. Why to come such snowy and isolated place anyway? This place looks like when you scream once, a whole mountain full of snow will come right down and crushing you." Now that was really unprofessional of a driver to ask such inconvenient questions, at least in my opinion.
"No reason, have a nice day"
"Alright, have a nice day too!"

And with these words I was finally in one of my safe places, isolated mountain valley.
I hate talking to people even though I'm good at it. Well, at least it will be just me and my stuff, maybe I can talk to some bears if they come nearby. Or so I thought. Did it though?
"Damm I don't have enough vodka for a week. I have no idea where the nearest shop is too. Probably should check if I can use-" When I found my phone it had no service. It is so dumb of me to still think that the internet can reach everywhere because I know for a fact it does not. I went to the kitchen, feeling tired from the long ride, still surprised, of how so long distance was so cheap. After I had dinner I started to unpack.

"Clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, phone, charger, vodka, stick, stick? Why do I have a stick in my bag?! I mean, probably I somehow forgot it from when I was at the campus"
I went outside to throw it away because I remembered my father words that I like to change, this time I changed it to "better in nature then in the trash" and as I was going to shut the door I noticed something running after the stuck like a dog. I have not met any wolfs or dogs nearby because this place is empty, no neighbors, no trouble.

"What the-"
Then the moving pile of snow started to return to me I panicked a little. I did not know if the animal was hostile or not, and except bears and reindeer, I was not that of a animals person. Then the animal jumped out of the snow, landing right in front of me with a stick in its mouth. That looks like a wolf, but it behaves like a dog. I've been to this place many times yet never seen wolves or dogs here. Pure confusion took over me.

But the wolf didn't move one bit, just stared at me and after a little while they dropped the stick to the ground and moved it towards me with it's paw.
"What do you want? Do I need to throw the stick again or what?"

I felt really dumb because I have only talked to bears before but I can't talk to wolves? I took the stick to my hands, and the wolf went really cheerful in a second, wiggling it's tail back and forth like a fan.
"So throw and catch?"

And you guessed it, that wolf went almost nuts, shaking from excitement. So I threw the stick as hard as I could and like a bolt, the wolf was after it, just returning few moments later, with the very same stick. That was impressive, and I forgot all my problems for a moment, just playing throw and catch with the wolf until I threw the stick too high and the wolf had to jump in the air to reach it, thus breaking it because the wolf was too caught up with the fun game. They came back to me, looking disappointed of it's actions because not there were only wooden pieces laying on the ground. Wolf returned to me.

It Started With A Wolf (Finland x Estonia)Where stories live. Discover now