¤ chapter 7 ¤ Secure Contain Protect

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"I'll listen you from the beginning to the end, even until the morning. Fire at me."

"Before it all I need you- i need to tell you some things so the story won't be hard to understand. See- you always tried to reach me to reveal and control my powers and not to get out of hand but you still don't know my power."
"Well because your too young- I got my powers reveals to me when I turned 16, controlling ice was definitely not easy"
"My powers showed up when you left to go to your summer camp. I can read people's minds. But I need help."

"I'm guessing you can hear only one at a time currently, am I right? If you focus on they're voice. In future you'll be able to hear all the people THOUGHTS in about kilometer radius, of course you can turn them off if it annoys you. It will help a lot. You just need to practice not to answer the thoughts but what people are saying in reality."

"How do you know all this Finland? Your power is ice not mind reading, is it?"

"I had a friend who had the same powers as you. He passed away when you were born. Lending his powers to you. When a person with power dies, but not all people have power- then it's power goes to a newborn. When there are more newborns then deaths then new powers are made, but when the opposite happens- the powers will wait in the sky for a newborn who has no powers."

"That makes sense, but back into the deal. When you left I was at Sweden's place and I started to hear noises in my sleep. I figured it was from my dream but the noise came from Sweden's room, not my dream. I somehow woke up and went by his room. I heard his tomorrows plan, in the past, the day he was planning was over a long time now. He was going to call Estonia and ask about the 'deal'. Back then I had no idea what he meant by that. But then he thought, what if she won't accept again? But she wants into Nordic so bad, doesn't she? Am I not good enough? He decided that If she'll keep denying his request then he has to ask for help."
She went quiet for a moment so I could digest what she said. Unlike other Nordics I didn't need time to think of what others say.

"What was that you so say "help"?"

"He is a kingdom basically, so he goes off well with Britain and the other countries who have Queen or King. He also is in the good side of America. It means direct threat to us. If you don't understand what I mean exactly by that let me explain. America knows a secret organization called SCP, for long Secure Contain Protect. This organization holds beasts- either good, bad or unknown. Some of the good are SCP_999 the tickle monster who is basically an orange slime who makes everyone who it touches happy.
To be honest, outside of this serious talk I would love to try therapy with this little guy. But moving on, I can't let us have any distractions. 999 is actually one of the 7 pregnant women's child who 999 is also one of the horsemen of death. The one in-between or unknown is SCP_096, it won't hurt you unless you look at it. Bad ones- oh there are lot of bad ones that I'll name but won't describe. SCP_049, SCP_035, SCP_173, SCP_939, SCP_106 and the list goes on. The point is- Sweden can lend SCP's since he's on America good side and use it on us.

Not CAN but WILL because the night I heard him he was PLANNING to get Esty by some SCP power. We warn her because Sweden had saved her and she won't believe us due to that.

I checked her mind so no need to try. That night I thought that he was talking but it got weirder when in the morning he left to "shop" and he's mouth closed but he "said" yeah, she'll believe that because she has no idea I'll go to America's really. I wanted to snap at him for calling me dumb but he was out before I was able to. I'm glad I didn't have the chance because he still has no idea of my powers and I'd like to stay that way it is."

"Don't worry i won't say a word. My mouth is shut."
I did the lock to the mouth and threw the key and she laughed at it.
"I'm not afraid that you'll say anything, I'm afraid that I'll answer Sweden thoughts and he'll find out that way. I need to practice and you will help me but back to the main story. When he got back he stayed his usual self, not thinking anything special, and then he said you were coming home so I was hyped up when we arrived at grandpa's- Scandinavia house, and found out a lot- Main point what I picked out from main people's minds or thoughts is that the dog owner Esty came familiar in Denmark, Sweden and a little bit in Norway past thoughts. They has many flashbacks and when you arrive I got a good scoop of ice-cream thoughts from your dream that you remembered. So i put the prices together. Anyway-"

I felt like she was about to fire the whole Nordic history in my face- witch I already knew or-?
"Or do you? And Yes- I'm about to tell you a little part of history but not only the Nordics."
So basically you can hear what I'm thinking-
"Yes, yes I do but talk to me rather than just thinking, I want to practice not to answer others thoughts, remember? Now don't interrupt me I'm gonna tell you the story in Esty Denmark, Sweden and Norway POV."

"Fire, come on." To that, she took another deep breath to collect herself, before slowly continuing to explain our current situation.

Denmark, Sweden and Norway have concurred Esty's territory for a while- at a time Norway didn't exist but Norway's family was a part of the Sweden's that's why Norway remembers a little. Main line- Denmark and more main- Sweden. Denmark mainly took over the islands so he had little to no interaction with the main land of Esty's witch was the main "party". As a party it was Sweden, Russia and others fighting over the land. See was the one of the best rulers but no one knows for sure- he still was strict, but reached Esty's family literature but that's beside the point. Main point I that Sweden ruled at the "beginning" then later on Soviet times when Esty needed help he helped only because he remembered the times his family ruled her lands and wanted to make up for it. Now he knows that Esty thinks, that they are even and can have normal ad stable relationship, but Sweden is pushing it too far."

"So they're now even? So what's the problem?"

"THE PROBLEM is that each flag is a each own person so there were a lot of flags not people threw her history. So right now loving Esty doesn't know her past and thinks she needs to pay back somehow. That's when Sweden took a wrong turn and used her 'lack of memory's as a weapon and made her think Esty needs to pay back A LOT, and i'm not talking about money or land, i'm talking about Sweden wanting to control her as a person, but a part of it is also the blood fetish for her land because of it's location.

So he made the deal and nothing would've stopped him but Esty own gut feeling when your people helped to fight in the past of hers. She remembered it and stayed true to you. Until today...she said something that amazed me. I eavesdropped when he offered again and I was something incredible.

You know she's blind- of course you do. But what you do not know is that she'll be able to dream still.

She had a familiar dream witch I won't break down to you because the story is long enough, but something i didn't realize clicked in her head she knew her 'options' so she said half a 'yes'. It made me burn in flames. To know that Sweden plans and Esty who has no clue giving up- it almost broke my heart. So I decided to break in.

Then I saw something in Esty's mind I never thought to see in this situation- FEAR. She got the hell out of there and I held myself back because I heard your screaming thoughts and Sweden's clever but low holder anger. I talked to him so he slipped facts to me i knew as well do you. I wanted to see your reaction. Honestly I thought you won't give a damm but your train of thought was going 100 million kilometers per second, it was kind of fascinating and funny its own way. Sorry. When the movie time came all thoughts were calm. Later when they left, Sweden slid me a last warning before he went that's why i came to talk with you. I've came to the conclusion that you like her, and she likes you- she's Teele and you're Toots. Sweden is just Arno who wants her and later leaves. And me- well I know i'm in that place that might surprise you but I'm Kiir. I'm the same Kiir who Toots played with and wanted Teele for himself but failed. It's me Suomi- I'm the Kiir."

For probably the fourth time today, I was stunned, scared and very surprised.
She likes her? Like- likes, likes?


(Updated chapter: total world count 1638)

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