Part 15

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Zyce (Mr.Stranger) P.O.V

In front of me, he treated her badly. He threw her violently on the table. My heart skipped a beat when she screamed in pain. I ran to her when I slipped halfway and reached her on my knees. She laid still with her eyes close. I reached my hand to hold her, she coughed. Her body slowly starts shaking. I moved my hand away and again reached for her. she was laying on aside. I felt really bad, she was already in a bad condition and she was hurt by me too. She coughed again and again, I couldn't figure out what's wrong with her. I slowly reached for her again, touching her shoulder I turned her to my side. I was scared that something bad will happen to her because she was still weak. I saw her face she looked pale and she was shaking. 

I looked back at Raven with rage. It was all his fault, he is the third wheel between us. 

He looked worried and scared. My hand was holding Grace's hand. Quietly,  Raven sat down and reached for her other hand. Maybe he got worried to see her like this or He knew I'm gonna kill him if anything happens to Grace so got scared! He reached for her other hand but she shook both of our hands. I jumped on Raven, Grabbing him from his collar, and push him against the wall. I wanted him to look at me in my eye to see the fury in my eyes for him, the hate for him but he pissed me off when he keeps looking at my Woman. I punched him hard on his face and pushed him towards the door disrespectfully, with anger. Pointing to leave. And without saying anything he left as he regrets.

 As far as I know Raven as my best friend, He was someone to lose temper quickly and then regret quickly. And those kinds of people are real danger cuz you don't know when will they hurt you. And it would be sudden.

I turned back to my girl which was not in a really good condition. She keeps coughing under her breath and her face was getting pale. Like she is choking. I remember she had this breathing problem. Because of this, I and Raven got her in our mind the first time we met her.

"I went to meet my Best friend Raven in his company. I just came back from Abroad. I missed my best friend so much. So I came directly from the airport to see him, first. I entered the company with a bright smile in the excitement of meeting my best friend after 4 years. I walked to the receptionist and ask her to inform her boss that his friend Zyce Helios is here to meet him. She picked the receiver to inform and asked me to wait for some time. with a big smile, she pointed at the sofas in the hall to sit and wait. I smiled back and walked to the sofa and sat down with a slight smile on my face. I looked at my watch and the tipping my finger on the sofa side like I'm playing piano, Just to kill the time. But I had the excitement to meet my friend and I couldn't meet. I kept looking at the reception and then to my watch again and again. In the meantime, I saw three girls walking in the hall. Maybe they work here or just came for a job or some other stuff. I looked at the reception again waiting for my friend to come for me. The weather wasn't nice that day. it was kind of dusty. Maybe it's going to rain thinking that I looked at the three girls again. They looked worried about something and now they start discussing something. One of them was trying to cover her face with her hands. I couldn't see her face but from her body, she must be cute or sexy maybe both. I smirked and looked away looking at my watch. Those girls were about to leave the company. I don't know but something wasn't right with them. Soon they stepped out of the building. Not even a second passed when they ran back to the company. Two of them were holding one girl, The one with her hands on her mouth. They walked a bit away from the door when the center girl collapsed. My reaction was quite real. the other two girls kept shaking her calling her Name Grace. People were gathering so I decided to go and see it too. As I walked a bit forward I heard a girl breathing heavily or I should say bearly. She was choking. I ran to them, pushing the crowd. Jumping to them I asked in a hurry 'what happened?' Looking at Grace. the other two girls were crying holding her hands 'she has breathing problems'   looked at her, patting her face 'Hey, are you okay? Can you breathe fine?' But she was still breathing heavily and her eyes were rolling. Her face turned pale in seconds. I shook her couple of times but she was losing conscious I cupped her face looking if she opens her eyes. Like she couldn't get in the air. And she was suffering. 'We have to take her to hospital as soon as possible' i told her friend but they cut me in the middle 'we can't take her out otherwise she won't survive a minute, it's dusty everywhere'. I shouted 'Then call an ambulance damn what are you waiting for' One of her friends stood up holding her phone to make a call. Her other friend was still here crying 'It would take longer, I don't think she can make it'

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