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"i do love you!"

    i hug her tightly, since this was most likely the last time i'll ever get to be around her in my arms. i could feel my heart and her heart beating hard. everything was still and quiet.

i'll regret everything i've done to hurt her but i'll never regret being with her. all the moments i've had with her. our first kiss. our first fight. our first. everything was special to me, and i know it was also special to her.

i try to hold back any tears. "i really mean it minyoung. i love you so much it hurts me that i'm saying this." i inhale.

"i'm getting married." she slowly backs up from the hug, looking at me. "what?" i look at her, and then at the ground.

"i'm getting married, but it's arranged. my dad wanted me to marry another wealthy man's daughter." she scoffs, sits down at the sidewalk. with her head on her hands.

"i'm so sorry for not telling you. i should've but i was afraid of your reaction. that you were gonna leave me-" she cuts me off, looking both confused and annoyed. "what do you mean 'leave me'? YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE ME!! i don't know what you're trying to tell me but you shouldn't be worried about if i leave you, for god's sake you're getting married!" she screams.

she starts crying again, and comes to me. she raises a hand to hit me and i flinch but let her since i deserve it, but nothing happened. i look at her and she slowly puts her hand down.

and in a low voice says, "congratulations" with a weak smile and rubs my back. "may the both of you live happily together." her voice cracks at 'together'.

i was so in thought at what just happened that i didn't even realized she left.

i panicked. i ran to see if she went back to our apartment even though i know she wasn't. sadly, i was right. i head to our shared room to see that everything of her's was gone.

i immediately started to just ball out, crying on the bed. i lost the most amazing person that was so special to me. just because i couldn't talk my dad out of the arrangement. i look around the room and caught something at the corner of them bed. i stand up to see what it was.

i slowly pick it up and start crying harder.

it was the teddy bear that minyoung gave me when i found out my grandma died. i still remember what she told, "—even though it may seem that they aren't here with us in the world anymore, that they still and will always love us."

i sniffed the teddy bear. —it smelled like miyoung. i put my tears away, and look back to see that there was a note. i picked it up the paper.


"my dearest, jimin

   i hope that you will find happiness and hope one day. I'm so thankful for what you gave me and what i gave you. i know that we will never be together anymore as lovers but only friends or even strangers. please take care of your fiancé, and remember to always love her and show her support. i wish you nothing but the best in life. i love you and will always be there for you when the world is against you. goodbye my love.

—to the moon and beyond,
park minyoung."

and that was the last time i ever heard from

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