☆𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8☆

367 14 3

A/N: it's really long... oops

Word Count: okay my thing is messed up but it's close to 3k I believe. Word says 3122 but this says 2987 lmfao. just pick a number idc

Warnings: none I think LOL

"If you're gonna take the old man into town, could ya take us, too?"

I groaned and sat up. Mary-Beth and Tilly eagerly looked up from their chores and looked at Arthur with pleading eyes.

"Why, what you got planned?"

"Nothin'. We'll find something for y'all to do, we always do."

"We're bored out of our minds," Mary-Beth implored. "We've been cooped up for ages now. Karen's about ready to murder Grimshaw." Mary-Beth giggled.

I came up and stood behind the rest of the girls. Arthur was going to take us into town, no matter what. Sure, I might not be in the exact same line of work as the others, but I knew how to find some work just the same as the rest.

"Well, can Miss Grimshaw spare you?"

"'Can Miss Grimshaw spare you?' What's happened to you, Arthur?" Karen sighed. "Four young healthy women want you to take 'em robbing, and you're worried about house chores. Let's go!"

"Fair enough, you got me. C'mon then." The four of us let out whoops of joy and climbed into the back of the wagon.

"I can't believe we're going to see civilization! It feels like weeks since we did."

"Agreed. It'll be nice to see real people again," I added.

"What, you sayin' we ain't real?" Arthur gave a mocking glare before climbing onto the wagon.

"Nah, nothin' like that. Just decent folks who don't rob people for a livin'. If I'm bein' honest, I got used to popping into town occasionally before I joined up with y'all."

"Why, thanks, Miss Deiter," Arthur said sarcastically.

Uncle spoke up. "Yeah, Valentine. The very embodiment of civilization. You ladies are gonna love it. It ain't anything like Blackwater."

"Okay then. Let's go." Arthur flicked the reins, and we were off.

»»————- ☆ -————-««

"Alright, here we are, just like I said. The cultural center of civilization! Man at his finest."

"Sure, Uncle. It's something alright." I rolled my eyes. Uncle was a character.

"Uncle, what're we doing?"

"Well, we're gonna do what any self-respectin' maniac does: put the women to work."

Karen laughed lightly. "With pleasure. We'll start at the saloon."

"Okay, just stay outta trouble and don't get yourselves noticed."

"Right, I need to get something from the stores," Uncle said.

"Okay, well, we'll see you at the general store when you're done."

I traipsed along after the girls, tipping my hat to Arthur as we left.

"C'mon ladies, let's imagine we're in Paris."

"I imagine Paris and Valentine are easily confused," Tilly added.

"Karen, that's a little difficult to do with all the mud," I chuckled. "And the stink. And, well, pretty much everything else about this damn town."

"That's true. Anyways, let's get to work, ladies!" Karen clapped her hands together and entered the building, the rest of us following behind.

I leant against the bar and ordered a whiskey. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Karen run across the road to the hotel with a man. Tilly and Mary-Beth were chatting with some other men in separate corners of the saloon. I was essentially alone at the bar, most patrons having left. I wasn't dressed like the rest of the women. I was wearing pants and I still had my gun belt slung around my waist. My hat was tipped over my eyes, casting a shadow over my face.

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