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     JC comes in and out, trying to escape with the energy she has left, but the men always end up knocking her out before she can try. The last time she woke up, they didn't hurt her to knock her out. Instead they looked around anxiously. She was about to say something, but she hears something coming from another room. She looks around then back at the men. She then stares at the ceiling, taking deep breaths.

     She starts to summon wisps, even though the smoke still burned her. She then closed her eyes and opened them again with a blinding light. The men reacted quickly, but she screams, sending the wisps surrounding her arms flying, some escaping the room and some ricocheting off the walls back to her arms. The man with the green eyes rushes over to her and places a gag over her mouth. She thrashes around with all her energy but he grabs his knife and places it across her neck causing her to stop. He grins then nods to the red eyed man. He leaves the room while JC stays there, wishing and hoping her Li is alright.


     Lira enters through the creaky doors out of the snow into a building, her black eyes searching the place. As she walks through, the doors slam and she sees that inside are metal crates of nothing. She looks towards the back and sees a few rooms. She cocks her head then smiles. 

     Suddenly, she sees a white light coming from one of the rooms. Before she could do anything, she heard screams. But these screams, however, sounded familiar to her in a eerie way. When she looked it's way, she saw white wisps escape a room. She speeds over behind a crate, her breathing becoming heavy. She hears a door open and turns its direction.

     The speedster quietly runs over to the top of a crate, staying hidden. She sees a man leave the room. When the man searches his surroundings, she noticed his red eyes. She cocks her head as she tries to get a better look. He continues to get closer to where her hiding spot was. 

     Lira jumps down in front of him, causing him to jump back. She glares at him, her eyes black with light blue pieces visible. His eyes widen slightly then he grins.

     "I know who you are," he tells her.

     "Highly doubt it," she snaps back.

     "Interesting. I remember you being nicer," he grins.

     She speeds in front of his face, her blue wisps behind her, as he grabs his formal shirt. His eyes fill with slight shock as he sees her wisps and her eyes.

     "How-?" he starts but is stopped when she throws him against the crate, knocking him out.

     She walks toward the back where the rooms are. When she sees a door cracked, she begins to get curious. As she starts to walk that way, she hears muffled screams. When she gets closer, she sees a glimpse at who was in the room. She steps back and the black flickers to her bright blue for a second. They then go back as her anger grew. 

     She speeds to the doorway of the room next to it and starts throwing things around in there. She hears a man talking and the very faint muffles of screams. She then hears the thud of something on a table and sees the man walk out of the room, a knife in his hand.

     She runs up to him and takes the hand with the knife in it, twisting it behind his back. He hisses in pain that laughs.

     "I knew it," he says. 

     "You don't know anything," she sneers.

     The man kicks her down and, when he was free, throws her in front of him. She places her hand on the ground, digging her fingers into the ground slowing her speed. She looks up at him and sees his bright green eyes. He glitches behind her and pushes her into the ground, the wound on her back throbbing. She grunts and grabs his arm, throwing him forward. She stands up, glaring at him.

     "A wound?" he questions, a smirk pulling at the ends of his lips.

      She shrugs and grins at him, running at him, and shoving him into the wall. He smiles at her, his sharp teeth seen.

     "She's in there," he grins at he nods toward the room he came from. 

     Her eyes flicker then go back to normal, letting him loose a bit. He starts to laugh but she turns to him and grabs his neck, her eyes flickering between the blue and the black. She throws him into the wall, knocking him out. She puts both of them in a crate and walks outside with it. She then runs and punches it, sending it flying far from the warehouse. She then runs back inside, hesitating to enter the room she's been anxiously waiting to enter.

     Lira walks up to the door and sees the woman on the table, the machine hooked up to her body and the blood dripping from her face. Her body felt weak as her eyes completely turned back to normal and the blue wisps disappeared, not believing who was in front of her.


     JC slowly tries to open her eyes, but when the man with the green eyes slammed her head against the table, it was hard to stay awake. She then sees the silhouette of someone. She starts to move around, anxious of what was about to happen. She then felt gentle hands on her face as they take off the gag and she stops. She then looks at the person and sees a woman standing beside her. Her eyes widen when she sees who it is. 

     "Li," she whispers, her voice not a hundred percent back yet. The woman looks at her, the gag slowly falling out of her hand.

     "But, you're... dead..."she states as she puts a hand on the redhead's face. She then sees a necklace around her neck. It's a silver Irish Trinity necklace. 

     JC creates a wisp that hovers around Lira's arm, the smoke not burning her as it faded away when the red eyed man went unconscious. The brunette looks down at the wisp and a smile came across her face as she looks at the redhead's face. 

     "Jay?" she asks and gets a slow nod in return.

     They both smile and Lira takes JC's hand. Before she squeezed it, she saw the burns on her hand. She then looked at all the needles inside her best friends body. 

     "Jay. What did they do to you?" she asks, her eyes brimming with tears as she starts to take the needles out.

     "They-" she starts but winces, her voice not fully intact. The brunette gently puts a hand on her hand.

     "Don't. I shouldn't have asked. Tell me tomorrow when your voice is back, alright?" she tells her and gets a slow nod as an answer. 

     Lira gently continues to take out the needles. She then rips off the leather straps, being careful around her stomach. JC slowly sits up, the impact of the machine taking a toll on her. The speedster holds her arm out, waiting for the telepath to take it. 

     When JC stands up, she takes a piece of Lira's hair and gently holds it. She smiles and pulls her in, hugging her, not caring about the pain going through her body.

     "Jay. You're alright. You're alive," the brunette says, trying to calm both of them.

     "Li," the redhead whispers as she gently rubbing the back of her best friend.

     After they comforted each other, Lira moves JC into one of the crates to get out of the room that caused her so much pain. The speedster quickly gets some supplies that she could find and went back to the redhead, who was leaning against the wall, trying to not fade out. The speedster blocks off the door and walks over to the telepath.

     "They shouldn't think to look in the same place, considering how I set up outside, so we should be safe. You need rest," Lira tells her, but the redhead shakes her head.

     "Li-" she starts but her best friend shushes her and gently puts an arm around her, leaning her against her shoulder.

     "You will never leave my sight. You look exhausted. Sleep for a little bit, okay?" she tells her and gets a slow nod as an answer, her eyes slowly closing. 

     JC drifts off into a deep sleep with no interruptions, something she hasn't had in a long time. Lira holds her close, making sure she doesn't harm her or leave her side. Her best friend is alive and she knows it and that is all that matters. 


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