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          JC jolts awake, hearing the screams from her voice and the laughter from the men, echoing in her nightmares. She slightly panics for a second, forgetting where she was, but she sees Lira and sighs, remembering everything. She looks around the metal crate the telepath and speedster were in. 

     The haunting, ghostly pain of her restraints send shivers down her spine. JC rubs her throat as she gently places Lira's head on the wall and cautiously leaves the metal crate the two stayed for shelter.

     The redhead closes her eyes, searching for any other thoughts present, before she steps out of the box. After realizing it was only the speedster and her thoughts present, taking one look back at the brunette, she rounds the corner, going toward the back rooms. 

     Walking toward the back rooms, she searches for any type of food or something that could help their situation. Exploring one of the rooms, she finds some crackers and sighs, taking them.

     As JC leaves the room, crackers in hand, she sees a glimpse of the table, the table that caused her pain just the day before. She creeps toward the room, entering through the doorway, placing the food on the table top. The redhead rubs her neck, still feeling the presence of the entry point of the needles, this sensation all over her body. Her eyes glaze across the room, ending at the machine that created her torture. 

     At that moment, all of the physical, mental pain JC experienced flooded back to her. Her hands begin to quake as she places a hand on the table that she was strapped to. The telepath's thoughts swarm of actions the two men could have done to her. She shudders at the thought. She closes her eyes, while clutching her stomach, as a tear falls down her face, the streak sticking out on her pale face.


     JC's head shot up, her entire body tensing at who could be at the door. Lira steps into the room, seeing the state of her closest friend.

     "What are you doing?" Lira asks softly.

     "I-uh..." JC begins, trying to blink her tears away. "I-I found some food. I-It isn't much b-but..."

     The redhead stops, her throat closing up, the memories of her screams drilling into her head. Her eyes begin to flare up slightly, the numerous questions her torturers asked her flooding into her mind. Her faint white eyes stare at Lira, who cautiously watches.

     "Eat," JC rasps as she removes her hand from the table, the connection fading as her eyes fade from the white glow.

     "You too," Lira says, but JC shakes her head as she anxiously rubs her arms. The brunette sighs and grabs the crackers.

     "Jay, come on. Get out of this hell hole," she states and the telepath looks at her, the speedster's eyes very faintly switching to black with bits of light blue.

     "Li?" the redhead whispers, her voice growing in concern as she walks closer to the speedster. Lira blinks, her kind, light blue eyes returning, and backs up.

     "Oh my god. I- nevermind," the brunette mumbles as she hands the telepath the box, smiling slightly. "Take this back to where we stayed, please." JC slowly nods and begins to walk toward the metal crate.

           The redhead stops for a second as a question the two men asked her echo in her mind, the echo of their cruel curiosity in her head. She turns around, about to speak to the speedster when she gazes upon a scene in the room that caused her so much pain.

     Pieces of furniture begin to fly across the room. JC carefully steps closer, seeing that Lira is destroying the room, bit by bit. The telepath felt less tense, yet she was nervous. The brunette's eyes are no longer the kind, light blue eyes she normally sees. What she sees now is the fade into black, yet not fully consuming her eye. 

     The speedster's gaze falls onto the machine and speeds over to it, light blue wisps following behind her. She brings her hands toward the device, flinching for a second before making contact with it. Her eyes flicker to black and she slams her fists onto the machine. She continues to rip into the machine, the very invention that created agonizing pain for the telepath. 

     As JC watches, she drops the crackers and looks at her hands, the question the black haired man and the dark brown haired man asked her. How did they get their abilities?

     JC has always known, yet has never told anyone, not even Lira, and this has gone both ways. The redhead and the brunette have spoken about the topic, however, both women began to get uncomfortable on the topic. The speedster steps out of the room and disrupts the telepath's thoughts. As she closes the door, she glances at the door knob. Without a second thought, she rips off the metal door handle, locking the ability holders out of the horrid room. She turns around and slightly jumps when she sees the redhead. 

     "Sorry. I-uh... Well seeing your reaction just..." Lira starts, but JC just runs up and hugs her, her eyes brimming with tears. The brunette jumps but hugs her back, feeling the tense emotion fading from the redhead.

     They let go and walk back to the crate, the brunette taking the crackers. The redhead would take glances at Lira's hands, checking to see if there is any injury from the destruction, concluding that if there were wounds, they would've healed by now with her speed.

     Stepping back into the metal box, Lira goes and sits down, opening the food, while JC looks back at her hands, her curiosity spiking. The speedster cocks her head.

     "What is it, Jay? Are you hungry? You can have the first one," she states, holding up the package. The redhead slowly shakes her head and looks at the brunette. 

     "Do you remember one of the first conversations we had in our friendship, yet was interrupted by life?" the telepath starts, the speedster raising an eyebrow in reply. JC takes a deep breath. 

     "O-One of the men tormenting me asked a question that shook me to my core. I-It was about my ability, our abilities," she states as she begins to mess with her sleeves, a tear begging to fall. "I know we are both uncomfortable about this topic, yet my mind won't stop repeating this question."

     "What was the question, Jay?" Lira asks as she stands and walks close to the redhead.

     "How did we get our abilities?" JC tells her, waiting for her reaction.

     Lira looks at the ground, tears stinging her eyes, then looks back up at JC.

     "I-I know they asked me, but I would never, EVER, no matter how much shit a person put me through would be enough for me to tell them. I care about you and would never tell anyone such a personal topic," the redhead states, then begins to get frantic, her eyes glowing slightly. "L-Look, Li, I-I know how this topic makes you feel. Damn it, I shouldn't have asked. I'm-"

     "Jay!" the brunette says as she takes the telepath's hand, trying to calm her down. "It's okay. Calm down, okay?"

     JC takes a deep breath and squeezes her hand as Lira slightly smiles, leading both of them to the place where the food was. "I will tell my story first, alright? Only you and I will know this."

     The telepath nods and sits in the corner of the crate as the speedster sits in front of her, both taking a cracker and preparing to unveil their past they have hidden away for years.


Hey guys! I usually never do this, but I felt like I needed to after my very long disappearance. I appreciate all of you guys who have read my work (even if this is the only one you have read). The next chapter should be out by the end of February. HOPEFULLY I can do that and I have numerous ideas for the next chapters for the story, so the next chapter will be interesting. My advanced classes will become more rigorous this semester as the test for them approaches. If you don't understand something in the story, ask me and I can answer it (unless it will be stated in a later chapter, then I wouldn't want to spoil it for you:) ).

Thank you guys so much! Have an amazing day/night.



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