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     JC slowly starts to wake up. She starts to move around frantically, not sure where she is. But she then hears a soothing voice.

     "Shh. You're alright. It's me," Lira states and the redhead relaxes.

     She slowly sits up, wincing at every move. She places an arm across her stomach as she leans against the metal wall. 

     "How's your voice?" the brunette asks.

     "It's the best it can be," the redhead says, her voice still a bit raspy. She then looks over at the speedster.

     "Where did you go?" she asks her. Lira begins to get nervous and fiddles with her dress.

     "Y-You first," she says. "How are you alive?"

     "The Manor," the telepath says. "It's an entity itself. You remember when Mark went crazy? You saw him beaten? He had beaten himself, but the Manor made it to where he didn't die."

     "Abe? I saw him get shot. Is he...?" the brunette starts but stops as she sees the look on her friends face.

     "He might as well be. Abe and I were doing research. While he searched for Will, I searched for you. William- Wilford made him mad as a hatter. I saw through the bullshit while Abe got sucked in," she pauses, tears brimming in her eyes. "I-I couldn't get him out."

     "Why would Mark do this?" Lira asks.

     "He wanted revenge on Will. And he went through drastic measures to do it," JC answers.

     "What about Celine? And Damien?" the brunette asks but the redhead shakes her head.

     "Something happened, however. I think the entity of the Manor did something to them. I have no idea if it's good or bad," she replies and Lira nods slowly.

     They sit in silence for a bit then JC takes a deep breath.

     "After I left Abe behind, I walked in the snow for a while. Then I stumbled upon this warehouse. I kept my distance away to see if anyone was inside, yet when I looked, all I felt was pain. When I got up, this man stopped me, asking me questions. I realized something was off from him and tried to run, only to get ambushed by someone else. I used my ability to escape, but it was almost as if one of them glitched in front of me. They got a hold of me and knocked me out."

     The redhead takes a shaky breath and rubs her neck. She can feel where the needles were and it caused some of the memories to come back. She takes another breath as she continues.

     "The two men strapped me down to a table and asked me about my ability and how I got them, even before they saw me use it. They knew my name. They asked about you. I didn't understand how they knew. When I wouldn't answer, they would torture me. I tried to use my ability but there was this smoke that would burn my hands each time a wisp was released. The machine was the main thing they used. Yes they used my previous injuries, but the machine..." she pauses, her hands shaking a bit.

     Lira placed a hand over hers. "You don't have to talk about it."

     "I'm fine," the redhead replies quietly and summons a wisp which intertwines between her fingers.

     "The men used my previous injuries to hurt me then added more to the pain already happening. The needles found the highest point of pain I had taken in the span of time they were in my body and projected the same amount with a flip of a switch. They kept that up until I could barely talk and stay conscious," she continues, the rasp in her voice growing as she speaks.

     Lira pulls her in close, comforting her.

     "You're safe now. Don't talk until your voice is restored, okay?" she states and gets a nod in return.

     JC stays in her friend's hold for a bit, thinking about the name the red eyed man called the brunette. She didn't bring it up, not knowing the state of mind she was in. She looks up at the speedster.

     "Where did you go?" she asks again, her voice in a whisper. The brunette sighs and looks at the redhead.

     "Please don't think of me any differently," she pleads but the telepath squeezes her hand, a caring smile across her face.

     "After the Manor, I went down a dark path. It started with grieving then I snapped. I... I lost control. My abilities took control of me, of my emotions," she pauses and looks at her best friend, tears in her eyes. "I killed people, Jay. People who didn't have to. All because I couldn't control my anger or sorrow."

     JC frowns and pulls her close to her, hugging her. Lira squeezes the redhead tightly.

     "You weren't you when you lost control. That was a different side of you, okay? Our abilities are dangerous. That wasn't you," the telepath tells her, speaking quietly. The speedster starts to cry.

     JC pulls her toward her and places Lira's head on her shoulder as she leans against the wall. The brunette starts to feel relaxed as she leans on the redhead. She looks up and sees that the telepath already fell asleep again. The speedster takes her hand.

     "I can never loose you again. I can't. I won't," she whispers as she falls asleep.

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