Chapter 3

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Scarlett pov
  I woke up in someone's arms I was about to scream when I remembered what happened last night, I sighed I knew I was going have to tell them what happened.
  I tried to get up but Draco arms pulled me back against him more I turned around and ran my fingers down his jawline and I leaned in to kiss him when I kissed him he started kissing me back I pulled back breathing hard " that's is one way to wake up to" he says in his husky morning voice I blushed.
  " hey guys" pansy and Blaise said coming into my room ". Hey" we said we all was sitting down somewhere " sooo scar what happened last night" pansy asked I stiffened " umm well it's hard to explain how about I just show from the time I was born in till now ok" I say they nod " don't asks questions in till I am done" I say they all nod.
" When I was born I wasn't born normally I was cut out of my ma's stomach by witch's and werewolves because of what I am, they tried killing me but my mother saved me before they could , when I turn 3 demons started coming after me and teaming up with vampires. They came after me because they were my father's enemies so we had to go into hiding my mother never told my father of me because 1)he cheated on her when she was going to tell him and got her pregnant 2)he left without telling her anything 3)left her to defend herself when she was 31/2 months pregnant 4)because of his enemies. When I turned 6 I asked my ma to tell me about my dad she told me everything and about what I am and she told me he was also her mate but because he cheated and got her pregnant , left her there bond broke and she got another mate.
My ma mate her second mate when I was 4 because demons were chasing us he became my pa that's is when I got another supernatural creature it was a demon, my mother was happy I was too but when I turned 10 me and my family was playing hide n seek when Rogue demons and vampires kidnapped me they tortured me after a yr my family found me that's why I didn't come here when I turned eleven but after that I got better but still have trust issues." I finish they were all looking at me " any questions" I asked " who is ur biological father" pansy asked " his name is Niklaus Mikaelson he is a hybrid wolf/vampire" I say " do you want to ever met ur biological father" Draco asked " no he put me and my ma though he'll and I don't like him and he has another daughter that he loves more than his ex-mate and daughter he didn't care why would he care now" I say " alright just wondering" he says.
  We hanged out for they rest of the day " guys we get to bed we have classes tomorrow" I say we all said good night went to there rooms Draco was about to leave " Draco" I say he turns and look at me " yes babygirl" he says I smile " can you stay with me" I asked " anything for you babygirl" he answers with I blush " goodnight Draco" I say " good night babygirl" he say while kissing the top of my head.

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