The Four Interaction Styles

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In working with other people and problem solving, one has a different interaction style from most people.

Here are the Interaction Styles by Dr. Linda V. Berens

1. In-charge

In charge types are the ones that really hold the staff and command the whole group on what to do as well as supervise them. They like to boss around people a lot. They are direct in speech, initiating, and outcome focused. They prefer to manage a lot of people to get the work done on time.

2. Get-things-going

Get-things-going types are the ones that motivate the group to start the action. They are lively and energetic individuals that become the source of strength and motivation of the group. Unfortunately, these types, although they start the process, they have a hard time finishing it. They are known to move from one task to another without finishing what they've started. They are informative, initiating and process orientated.

3. Chart-the-course

Chart-the-course types are quite the opposite of the second type. They have a problem starting things, which leads them into procrastination but if they already started the process, they can't back out until they've finished the task. They are direct in speech, responding, and process orientated.


Behind-the-scenes types are the ones mostly lurking in the shadows. They help and contribute through sharing their insights and learnings and integrate it with other members' insights and learnings. These are the ones that don't like to lead, at least, not in the way the in-charge types do. They prefer to sit down, take a step back, and let others do the talking while they work secretly. They also have the quickest emotional drains as they are the most introverted among the types. Hence, they go behind the scenes. Their interaction style is informative, responding, and outcome.

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