What's wrong with MBTI? (Part 1: 16personalities.com)

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You've probably took online 16 personalities test and came back with a so-so result. Not something irrelevant to you, but not really that accurate enough to describe you.

Some online tests like 16personalities.com uses MBTI as an attractive front to the Big Five Personality Test through substituting the letter dichotomies with the five personality traits it observes.

The Big Five traits are the following:

1. Openness
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extravertion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neuroticism

To further elaborate, the letter dichotomies are:

I - introverted
E - extraverted
N - intuitive
S - sensing
T - thinking
F - feeling
J - judging
P - perceiving

In the 16personalities.com test however, the meanings differ.

1. Introversion or Extraversion simply means either you are or not that outgoing and sociable, instead of referring to where you take in and spend your mental energy.

In typology, introversion means the quality of storing up mental energy internally, through being alone. This means that an introvert is going to be drained in social events when their stored up energy is spent. It doesn't necessarily mean that introverts aren't sociable. Introverts could also enjoy a loud atmosphere or even a crowded one, given that they are in the mood or that they stored a lot of energy.

On the other hand, an extravert takes his or her energy from the external world, making her transparent in many social events more than introverts. Because of this, they are seen as more 'outgoing' than their introverted counterparts. However, the weakness of every extravert is being alone for a long time. This drains them mentally and weakens their emotional stability as their serotonin levels (a chemical in the brain that regulates your emotions and makes you more productive) decrease over time. This is why they have no choice but to spend time with friends and family. Of course, instead of seeing this situation as tiring, extraverts love being in the company of others where they become energized.

2. When it comes to being INTUITIVE or SENSING, 16personalities.com substitutes the big five trait OPENNESS. If you are high in trait openness, it means that you are more creative because openness is associated with creativity. This means that those with high creativity have the proclivity to fall under the intuitive portion, while those with low openness trait fall under the sensing portion.

As you can see, there are some flaws in this substitution. Not all sensors are low in openness, and not all intuitives are high in openness.

Additionally, the trait openness also represents the flexibility of one's mind in accepting new ideas. People with low openness tend to be rigid and conservative, whereas highly-open people are fluid and liberal.

A group of sensors, SPs in general, are highly creative people. They are the ones that invent new technological advances and use tools in order to maximize the efficiency of a thing for comfort of everyone.

NPs on the other hand are more susceptible to being traditional, because they value the structure that was imposed years before, as they see how it maintains the order in the society.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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