Let's meet our characters!

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Garnet Carrow - Gryffindor, loves red and black, loves spicy food, loves comedic shows, loves horror books and films, loves coffee, loves rock music, sarcastic, loves flowers, hairdresser, loves alcohol, extremely protective and can play the guitar. 

Belinda Quill - Slytherin, loves green and turquoise, loves plants, prankster, Bella/Belle, playful, lil protective, loves make up, panicky at times, cold but soft, journalist and has a parrot called Lulu. 

Fawn Duffet - hufflepuff, loves yellow and pink, loves flowers, loves honey and sugar, very emotional, sweet, loves Sweet and sour foods, a mum-, loves cartoons, Doctor, likes reading, loves tea and likes galaxies. 

Talen Clyburn - ravenclaw, loves blue and purple, enjoy reading, Tal/Tally, a bit of a mum, sarcastic, writer, likes swimming, enjoys plain foods, knowledgeable, like fish, a bit quiet and often tired. 

Daniel Barcroft - gryffindor, Danny/Dan/Crofters, very protective, likes red and blue, journalist, playful, loves superhero movies and comics, very flirty, play the drums, claustrophobic, loves horror and loves sweets. 

Drake Baldock - slytherin, likes green and purple, Baldy, a mum-, loves plants, likes fruit, likes nature, artists/art therapist, loves art, friendly (for the most part), has a turtle called Terry, a bit prickly and cold but a softy. 

Sage Snapdragon - hufflepuff, likes yellow and pink, Snap/Snappy, likes reading, likes flowers, soft, likes baking, likes cartoons, an English and history teacher, smol, likes sour and sweet food, anxious and supportive. 

Theo Rook - ravenclaw, likes blue and black, Rook/Rookie, likes writing and reading, likes paranormal things, likes sweet foods, sleepy man, author, a bit protective, mostly calm, very sarcastic, play the piano and violin and likes the ocean. 

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