After the First Day Of School

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Ling POV
When we reached home, Zilong and Baxia were already home. They are already changed to their house clothes and were chilling on the couch watching some WeirdTarantula Gaming videos. (a.k.a the author's channel. Please subscribe) I went to the shower cause after a long day of school, I am dirty. After my shower, I prepared dinner for us. I made steak for all of them cause, I like steak, they like steak so it's easier for me.

Wanwan POV
While Ling was cooking the steak, I, Baxia and Zilong were doing our homework together. I didn't know how to do my homework so we discussed about it. We took around 30 minutes to settle our homeworks and pack our bags for the next day. After that, we watched some movies and waited for Ling to cook finish the steak.

15 minutes later

"Dinner is ready to eat!!!" Ling shouted. We went to the eating table and ate our food. We also talked about what we did in school as our 1st day. Ling got to do arts and crafts, Baxia and Zilong did Mural art. And I did nothing. Wow my class is amazingly lame. After eating, I helped Ling wash the dirty plates because there was alot of them. After we are done with the plates, Ling went to wash our clothes.

Ling POV
So I quickly got to work by putting all our laundry into the washing machine and waited for a while. While waiting, I went to check their bags. Well, they have already packed it so I was happy that they are slowly but surely learning how to take care of themselves. After 15 more minutes, I took out the clothes and hang them. After that, it was already 10pm. I put Wanwan to bed bacause it was getting late. Zilong and Baxia wanted to go the the club. "Don't go too late, you guys have school tomorrow" I told them. Then I just did my homework and packed my bags. I looked at the clock after I've done my homework, it's already 11pm. Then I checked on Wanwan again, she was sleeping soundly so I went to my room and slept till the morning.

The next day
Ling POV
Our school starts at 7.30 but I woke up on 6am to iron their clothes so they have their school clothes to wear. Wanwan, Zilong and Baxia was still sleeping so I did it myself. I was half awake so I just did what I needed to do. After ironing their clothes, I hanged their clothes in their own room so that they don't get mixed up. After all that, it was already 6.45 so I woke them up and asked them to shower and changed. I have already shower so I the mean time I went to make their breakfast and put it in the lunchbox. At 7.15, we walked to school together.

Author's note
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, my phone broke to I got to get a new one. So please forgive me

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