Part 2: Seeing The Garden Wall

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Tony and Wynne head out of the music room and into the kitchen. Wynne sits down in the booth.

" So...what's on the menu today, Tony?" asked Wynne, already asuming that they were going to be eating at home.
" Whatevers in the pantry, Wynne," Tony rummaged through the cabinents, " Sorry, nothing too special, pip."

Wynne rested her head on her left palm, and scratched her head, " You know, Im in high school, Tony. I know how to cook!"
He turned around, " I didn't say you didn't, I just thought I would cook cause-"
" Cause you're the oldest. And most responsible." she finished his sentence.
Tony rolled his eyes again, she was going off on her feminism rants, " I didn't mean for it to come across that way Wynne. I was just being nice. You've done well today playing the piano. This is my treat to you." he patted her on the back.
She didn't respond, she just turned on the radio.

" How does soup sound? Theyre some bread on the counter too."
" Oh, soup sounds fine."
" So, whats going on in Wynne's world? What's on the agenda?" he asked, pulling out ingredients.
" Not much. I have dance class tonight. Nothing too special."
" Oh," he said, " Ive got a gig tonight. Its at a really cool theatre art place...not sure of the name of it."
" You have a gig tonight? I still havent seen The Garden Wall in action you know!"
Tony laughed.
" Tony I want to go with you!" She yelled.
" Are you listening to yourself? You just said you had ballet tonight! Besides what would mummy say?" he put his hands on his hips, jokingly looking at her in dissapointment.
She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Mummy doesn't have to know..."
" Now, that's not very responsible in'it?"
" Let me live a little, Tony! Oh, pretty please! I haven't seen Peter since the two of you dropped out of hi-" Wynne began.
" Oh so that's the reason why you wanna go, eh? You don' wanna go for the music, you just wanna go see Peter."
"W...Well I..." Wynne thought about saying something to defend herself but she knew that Tony knew ever since the beginning Wynne liked Peter. It was quite obvious to him, though he stopped teasing her for a while.
" Thats not true! I love music just as much as you do!" she retorted, crossing her arms and huffing.
" Wynne," Tony gave her a look, chuckling, " I know you've had a crush on Peter since you met him." he winced, pouring the soup into bowls.
" That's beside the point!"
" You admit to it?"
" Please let me go with you! I promise I won't cause any trouble! I'll be a good girl!"
" Not this time Wynne. You're too young!" he set the bowl in front of her, pinching her cheek.
" I am not! You always say that! You never let me have fun! I wish you'd stop treating me like a little baby! Im seventeen for christ sake!"
" Alright, easy now," he sighed, seeing she was upset, " I know you are. But you're still a kid. I'm the one who really looks out for you now, so I have to be responsible."
" Please Tony? I've never been to an actual concert before. Mum and Dad don't have time to support your performances, so why cant I?" she begged with her precious, blue eyes.
" And what's going to be your excuse to your Miss Clara, your ballet teacher?"
She thought about it, " I caught a cold. No! My grandmum passed away."
Tony chuckled, " I would go for sick, grandmum's death would be missin more than one practice."
" Wait that a yes!!?"
" Hmmmmm...." Tony mumbled, looking over at the clock, chuckling.
Wynne playfully punched his arm, with a huge grin showing her pearly white teeth.
" I'll think about it." he replied, raising both brows.

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