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Greysons POV

My body feels so fucking weak it's ridiculous. For the past three days my dad has kept me in here. Even though he's sober now he's still doing this.

I've been left in this room for three days. I've gotten no sleep in fear of my father and he's starved me giving me nothing to eat and one bottle of water that I have smartly been drinking sparingly.

He'll come in and beat me till I pass out that's the only sleep I get otherwise. I need someone anyone. And the only way I can tell it's been days is from that tiny window. This is true hell and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I wouldn't wish for them to be torched the way I have. I would hope that if they have to die it would be quick and painless.

I slept when I could before since my dad never showed up at his usual time and I went to sleep I don't even know how long ago. It was night based by the window. I groggily sit up and drink the last of my water. Not even moments later the house shook and there was an explosion.

I could hear footsteps thunder above me. If they were looking for father he was out. It was just me. The door was soon booted in and I quickly crawled over to the corner in attempts to hide.

A gun barrel clicked putting a bullet into the chamber.

"Who's there. Show yourself" the man growled.

I whimper while hot tears were streaming down my face.

The man then speaks into what I'm assuming is a phone.

"King we think we found the boy" were they here for me. I hear more footsteps coming over us. I release a sob when another man appears at the door. He's about six four and had dirty blonde brown hair. He then approaches me. He also had a large build and looked like he could snap me like a twig.

"We're here to help Greyson" he said softly.

He reached out to help me up but I flinched back

"Don't touch me" I screamed more sobs coming out. He then retracted his hand and took out a phone.

"Princess we found him come down to the basement. You're not gonna like this." I heard yelling from the other end but couldn't make out who's voice it was or what they were saying everything was starting to turn into white noise.

My breathing getting faster and faster as I heard light footsteps come. Then I saw her.

She gasped and ran to me.

"Greyson what happened." She asked a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Cora" I breathe out. She hugs me trying to be as gentle as possible.

"Shhh baby breathe. Just breathe. In. Out. And again. In. Out." She coached me helping to even out my breathing. Once I calmed down with her help she looked up at me. She was sitting on the floor with me.

"Greyson who did this to you." I looked down a tear falling and rolling down just to splatter onto the ground.

"My dad" I whisper "I've been in here for three days."

"He's a fucking dead man. Oh what I'm gonna do" she was cut off by the man who tried to help me.

"Cora that's not what he needs right now. I'm calling your mother to prepare at HQ. And we'll get him out of here just keep him calm."

"Fine." She huffed angrily and looked to me her gaze softens when she looked at me. The murderous look leaving her face.

"What's going on Cora." She cups my cheek in her small warm hand.

"We're gonna get you help. My dad and I are gonna stay with you the whole way. You'll be brought to HQ where my mom and a few nurses are going to look at your injuries and help make you better. I'm gonna stay with you the whole time. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again" she smashed her lips onto mine putting all her passion and anger into it. The softness of her lips had the saltiness of her tears on them. I moved my lips kissing back until we needed to breathe.

We separated and just looked at each other.

"I'm so sorry." She said guilt in her eyes.

"It's not you who did this to me." I kissed her cheek and cupped the other one rubbing my thumb across it in a soothing manner.

"Can you do me a favor." I ask remembering my moms gold heart locket and the picture that I have both under my pillow.

"Can you have someone go into my room and get the gold heart locket and picture under my pillow."

"Of course I'll have someone bring it to HQ" she smiles and radios someone to do exactly what I told her.

After that the man from earlier walked in

"Cora we're ready for him." He said.

"Ok dad I'm coming." So that was her dad.

"Can you walk." She asked.

"Yeah I think so." I said while she helped me up. I stumbled a bit but was able to manage to the van with her and her fathers help. It had a hospital looking bed in the back.

Cora has me lay down on the bed.

"I'll explain everything later I promise." She said with a smile. She pressed a quick kiss to my lips before I passed out from pure exhaustion.

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